Hi @tkidd51 I started my childhood/adolescent/adult vaccines around 1.5 years. But it’s customary to do so around the 1 year mark. So you’re right on schedule.
I was apprehensive too! Seemed like a lot going on at one time. There were 9 vaccinations the first session but some are consolidated so only 3 pokes in each arm. The reactions I had were the typical ‘swelling and redness’ at the site of injection. Quite honestly, by nightfall, both arms felt like I got whacked with a baseball bat for a day or so. I was going to tough it out but I remember my nurses throughout transplant saying, “there are no awards given for not taking pain meds and suffering!” LOL So, Advil to the rescue. But now I know why babies are so cranky afterwards! Make sure you ice right away. After the first session, I learned from my experience and bought disposable ice packs that I could snap/chill in the car as we road home.
The 2nd session was similar but the icing really minimized the swelling and discomfort and I feel the reaction around the injection site was a bit less. Round 3, there were fewer pokes and less tenderness. So all in all, considering the amount of vaccines given, it was really quite uneventful.
I know exactly how you feel when you start getting a longer leash with your follow up appointments! We’re so spoiled with the frequency of our post transplant visits at Mayo. It’s such a protective and all encompassing life line! However, the very fact that your doctor is extending your visits to once a month means they are quite comfortable with your progress! So look at it that way! It’s like a mini-graduation.
I’ve been there and each time that leash got longer I was a little apprehensive. But I trusted my doctor to know when it was time to let me wander off just a little bit longer, because I was ready. And now…just past my 5 years anniversary, I will be switching to once per year after my visit in October. 😬 I actually believe I’m ready for this! Last year at this time, I was so happy when he said, “see you in 6 months” and I’d love to hear that again. But practically speaking, I am perfectly healthy. The last of my GVHD issues seem to have disappeared and there’s really no reason for me to return as frequently, except I’ll miss everyone there! I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s our home away from home.
However, to help you feel a little more secure. I had been at every 3 months for a while and I did have an issue develop. I was immediately back to being seen monthly, then every 2 months, etc…. So just because you are being seen monthly now, doesn’t mean you can’t return sooner, ok? When we have our transplant at Mayo, “We’re married for life” and they mean it! Your security blankie is always there. ☺️
Let me know how you do with your vaccinations! And congrats on your big first year out of the way!! Hugs!
Thank you so so much!!!