Chronic rectal tenesmus.
I have a chronic debilitating sensation that I need to move my bowels. They cannot find what’s causing this, and there is no treatment for the symptoms. Is there anyone else out there with these symptoms?
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Hello @mmalone1804, While you wait for others who have some similar experience, I did a quick search of Connect and found a few members who have mentioned tenesmus in comments in other discussions that you might want to view -
I found this information that might be helpful if you haven't already seen it.
-- Tenesmus: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More:
Have you thought about seeking help at a major teaching hospital or health facility like Mayo Clinic?
I suppose you don't have a rectocle? That can create such a sensation. If my IBS-C acts up (due to stress or eating the wrong foods) the "pouch" that is my rectocle can fill with stool and create such a sensation.
Thank you so much for the additional information.
I’ve been working with a major teaching hospital in Northern California for 3 years, and feel like I’ve gotten excellent treatment. Fortunately, they haven’t given up on me, and continue to try novel treatments, in hopes of finding something helpful. So far, no luck.
I wish I would hear from someone with the same symptoms, or history of symptoms. I can’t be the only one…
Thank you for taking the time to respond. A rectocele has been ruled out.
I’m sorry you have that issue, yet it sounds like you know how to manage your symptoms. It’s so frustrating when you don’t know the cause.
Thank you again for your input.
Yes, although my feeling is prevalent minimally; and I had 6 inches of my bowel removed.
I have had tenesmus for a couple of years. They gave me a drug called bentyl which I find to be no help for tenesmus.