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It's a shame this thread of conversation came to an end a few years ago, because it is timeless. I lost my husband in April this year (2024) "all of a sudden and out-of-nowhere", as I explain to all. He had an acute attack of Pancreatitis. He had a bad gut ache on Friday morning, went in to a coma on Sunday morning, and died Tuesday morning. I was in Germany traveling, which he encouraged me to do, as we are empty-nesters and he was still a year away from retirement (by choice - he loved his work - tho he was nothing like a work-aholic - he was home by 6:00PM every evening). I made it home by Sunday afternoon, and my kids were able to make it to the hospital by that evening. We kept watch by his bedside. We were in TOTAL disbelief. What happened ??? He was a hearty guy, perfectly fine. We kept thinking he would pull thru. But he didn't. He died. Once LOVELY family and friends went back to their lives (as they should), our kids too, I had to face the loneliness and gut-wrenching pain of the loss. Every inch of our home is a reminder of my husband. At times, it feels truly unbearable, with crying so deep that I feel like I'm choking on my own throat. My Faith in Jesus rescues me at those lowest points. Also helpful: my neighbor (also a widow) gave me a book called: Healing After Loss by Marth W. Hickman. It's a daily devotional, many pages of which truly speak to where I'm at. I recommend it very highly. It has something for every widow / widower. Thank you for "listening". Best wishes to all who struggle with this. I pray that those who've gone before us and tell us that time will heal/help are correct. - LB

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Replies to "It's a shame this thread of conversation came to an end a few years ago, because..."

I am so sorry for your loss. I'm much of a reader but I'm going to read the book you suggested. I lost my wife September 17th 2024. She was only 33 yrs old n her birthday was December 14th so she was taken much to early. We had so many more memories to make together n now I'm totally lost, lonely n desperate for all these horrible feelings n emotions to end n I'm scared I'm so broken n hopeless that I'm going to make a decision that there's no turning back from. Again sorry for everything you've had to go through, I wish the best for you.