Help needed for possible bowel issue post radiation

Posted by dave1957 @dave1957, Aug 21, 2024

Several months ago I underwent 6 weeks of daily radiation treatment for prostate cancer. During that period I was required to have a full bladder and empty bowel prior to each treatment. As it threw my normal routine off I had to use laxatives, enemas etc. to achieve this result. Shortly after my treatments ended I found myself having trouble with a normal bowel movement. I would wake up in the night with sharp pain in my right side which improved after a bowel movement. Shortly after I developed a severe case of shingles with the highest concentration on my right side. This involved some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. During this time I was still dependent on laxatives. MY PCP blamed the pain on the shingles and discounted any possible bowel problems. The shingles eventually cleared up but the side pains still continue as does my dependence on laxatives. I have made an appointment with a gastroenterologist, but it is over 2 months away. During my last colonoscopy about 5 years ago I was told there was a slight kink in my intestines which has caused me some issues over the years. but nothing of this nature. I am taking fiber, probiotics and mineral oil but have been unable to have a normal BM without at least some laxatives a day. The pain still persists but is better once I have a BM. I am worried there is some type of obstruction or inflammation but don't know what to do since my appointment is still 2 months off. I also have been told I cannot have another colonoscopy until at least a year after my radiation treatments. Any suggestions on what I may be dealing with and how I can treat the issue on my own until my appointment would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure taking laxatives daily is not healthy longterm. It has been a heck of a year with one problem after another and am trying to regain my health. I saw my PCP again today and he insists that the pain is residual effects of my shingles. Thank you for any assistance in advance!

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Hi Dave,
What an awful situation you are in! That must be very hard to live with. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have no suggestion how to treat your issues except I can suggest a home remedy for a laxative that would work in place of the ones you buy over the counter. My mom always gave me this remedy. I'm 78 and still use it. It's natural but may be a little harsh. It's a teaspoon or more, if needed, of baking soda (the kind you cook with – Arm and Hammer) dissolved in a glass of water. Drink the whole glass. You may want to squeeze a little lemon juice in it to make it taste better. It tastes awful, but it works. Stay near the bathroom. It works fairly fast. By the way, this also helps get rid of gas and bloating. After it works, try and drink a lot of water to keep from being dehydrated.

Eating certain foods also help such as prunes, fruit, nuts etc. But you probably already know that.
I hope this helps you.


Hi Dave,
What an awful situation you are in! That must be very hard to live with. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have no suggestion how to treat your issues except I can suggest a home remedy for a laxative that would work in place of the ones you buy over the counter. My mom always gave me this remedy. I'm 78 and still use it. It's natural but may be a little harsh. It's a teaspoon or more, if needed, of baking soda (the kind you cook with – Arm and Hammer) dissolved in a glass of water. Drink the whole glass. You may want to squeeze a little lemon juice in it to make it taste better. It tastes awful, but it works. Stay near the bathroom. It works fairly fast. By the way, this also helps get rid of gas and bloating. After it works, try and drink a lot of water to keep from being dehydrated.

Eating certain foods also help such as prunes, fruit, nuts etc. But you probably already know that.
I hope this helps you.

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Thank you so much! I will give that a try!


Hi Dave, I have slightly different symptoms after Radiation Therapy. It’s been 7 years and it knocked me for a loop. Not right away but a few weeks later it started to get really bad. I had laryngeal cancer and doctor removed it surgically then I had 7 weeks of RT. About 4-5 months after I got a throat infection and went to a specialist in Boston, who put me on a very aggressive course of 2 strong antibiotics and 2 antifungals for 30 days. By day 26, I was vomiting the meds and stopped taking them. My stomach was a mess and I spent the first 2-4 hours in the bathroom because I couldn’t have a complete bowel movement. It took me most of the day. Still does. Im also very fatigued still. I take 2 Colace every night because, like you, I don’t like the idea of taking laxatives daily. I went to a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with
gastroparesis, paralysis of my digestive system. If I knew then what I know now I would not have had the RT. I would have stopped after the surgery which the doctor said was very successful and he felt he could say with confidence that he got 99.99% of the tumor. But he wanted me to have the RT just in case. I have never really recovered from it. I don’t go out much except when I have to. And it makes me so angry because there are so many things I used to do, like visiting my kids and grandkids, taking them places, going to their sports events, etc.
I really sympathize with your situation. I never had shingles but I’ve known people who have and I’ve watched them suffer. I got the Shingrix vaccine recently. Trying to talk my older kids into getting it too.
Have you had serious weight loss and loss of appetite? I have and it’s made me weak and I’ve lost much muscle mass. My advice is to eat 5-6 very small meals per day and drink a high calorie ( if you’ve lost weight) but certainly high protein supplement such as Ensure Plus. Make sure you tell your gastroenterologist about the slight kink in your intestines. Try to sit upright for at least an hour after eating.
And try to keep your diet simple and soft and easily digestible. Chew your food well before swallowing. I don’t know much about natural laxatives but my PCP suggested
Senna tea. I haven’t tried it so I can’t comment on its effectiveness. Maybe ask your doctor first.
Good luck, Dave. I hope you get through this awful time soon.


Hi Dave, I have slightly different symptoms after Radiation Therapy. It’s been 7 years and it knocked me for a loop. Not right away but a few weeks later it started to get really bad. I had laryngeal cancer and doctor removed it surgically then I had 7 weeks of RT. About 4-5 months after I got a throat infection and went to a specialist in Boston, who put me on a very aggressive course of 2 strong antibiotics and 2 antifungals for 30 days. By day 26, I was vomiting the meds and stopped taking them. My stomach was a mess and I spent the first 2-4 hours in the bathroom because I couldn’t have a complete bowel movement. It took me most of the day. Still does. Im also very fatigued still. I take 2 Colace every night because, like you, I don’t like the idea of taking laxatives daily. I went to a gastroenterologist and was diagnosed with
gastroparesis, paralysis of my digestive system. If I knew then what I know now I would not have had the RT. I would have stopped after the surgery which the doctor said was very successful and he felt he could say with confidence that he got 99.99% of the tumor. But he wanted me to have the RT just in case. I have never really recovered from it. I don’t go out much except when I have to. And it makes me so angry because there are so many things I used to do, like visiting my kids and grandkids, taking them places, going to their sports events, etc.
I really sympathize with your situation. I never had shingles but I’ve known people who have and I’ve watched them suffer. I got the Shingrix vaccine recently. Trying to talk my older kids into getting it too.
Have you had serious weight loss and loss of appetite? I have and it’s made me weak and I’ve lost much muscle mass. My advice is to eat 5-6 very small meals per day and drink a high calorie ( if you’ve lost weight) but certainly high protein supplement such as Ensure Plus. Make sure you tell your gastroenterologist about the slight kink in your intestines. Try to sit upright for at least an hour after eating.
And try to keep your diet simple and soft and easily digestible. Chew your food well before swallowing. I don’t know much about natural laxatives but my PCP suggested
Senna tea. I haven’t tried it so I can’t comment on its effectiveness. Maybe ask your doctor first.
Good luck, Dave. I hope you get through this awful time soon.

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I am so very sorry about the difficulties you have endured. Thank you for the helpful advice. I will certainly give them a try. So far no loss of weight or appetite. Whether this is the result of the radiation or just another bit of bad luck remains to be seen. Best of luck to you as well. Hope things improve and you are able to get back to living your best life possible!


I find kiwis, prunes, chia seeds and nuts help move things along.


Well, I have a lot of bowel issues and was curious about your situation. I read a piece from the UK's National Health Service and learned that sections of the gut can become inflamed from prostate radiation treatment. Getting shingles perhaps didn't help.

For me, gut inflammation can be healed via protein in the diet that is easy to digest. For me that would be egg whites, milk, protein powder, tofu, mild fin fish) I eat no more than a tablespoon of meat as it is harder to digest. I skip high-fat foods. To heal, I also need to eat other gentle foods that are easy to digest. Pureed veggie soups and hot cereal would be something like that.

If your gut can handle it, kiwi (1-2 a day, try 2 to start) acts as a natural stimulant for elimination. Slippery elm inner bark powder (add boiling water to make a "tea") supports the gut's mucosa, and that will help your gut heal. Magnesium supps can be a gentle aid to elimination (look at the Hilma brand). These three things keep me regular; without them, it would be another story.

Some laxatives can be harsh. Using them could prevent your gut from healing. I find that Colace Plus (stimulant and softener in one) to be the gentlest OTC if I have to use one.

The NHS article:,passing%20more%20wind%20than%20usual


Hi Dave,
Sorry for what you are going through. I had similar radiation nearly 25 yrs. ago for post surgery back up after endometrial Cancer. Surgery took care of tumor that was only half way thru uterine wall. Dr.s wanted to do follow up radiation like you did, and they read me the statistics. The Cancer was aggressive. I was 50 yrs. old and naïve about all this. I was limited where I could go due to insurance. The Drs. spoke so lightly if at all about side effects. Oncologist also went for additional radiation (vaginal) low dose in hospital. This was questionable in retrospect, but I trusted as I had little support and never had major health problems previously. It was scary. I had to trust.

I developed IBS. a couple years after the radiation, and still have it today. I see a GI Dr. Went to Hopkins, had all kinds of tests and colonoscopes. I took the Rifaximin $$$$$$ last Spring, and it may have helped, but mostly made me more constipated. I handle constipation by using Mirilax adjusting the dosage as needed based on daily results. Some take it in evening, and some take in first thing in the morning. I also follow a low Fodmap diet. This all helps.
Like you, I get angry. I get angry because they should had gone into more detail about the side effects. I did not have the internet in 1997. I will never know if I would be alive today had I opted out of these extensive treatments. I only know Cancer survivors live in constant fear of recurrence, so at least I know I listened and did all I could to survive ( 50 is still young and there is still time for recurrence. My GYN said that he would not have recommended radiation if I were in my 70's at the time.
If the constipation is severe, the Dr. may recommend a drug called "Linzess". Its pretty powerful, so I would go slow easing into it. It was too harsh for me, but many like it. I believe that radiation also messes with the microbiome, but GI Drs. don't address that well, as they come up with the standard off the shelf probiotic. Some will cause bloat as per my experience. Going to try it again soon in a more customized version.
A functional med or Naturopath might be a big help, if you have the $$$$$, but be careful as too many greedy people are hopping on that train. I started with one, but too much$$$$$$$$$$.

I wonder how much scar tissue factors into the intestinal problem. I had a hysterotomy, then appendectomy 12 yrs. later. There is likely scar tissue, and I am considering a viseral massage therapist ( a little tricky to find). I wish you the best on your journey, and don't beat your self up for doing the radiation. You had every reason to believe it was best, and it may well have been the best choice. I had the radiation at 50, and am now 77 and healthy except for the damn IBS. A lot more people than we realize have digestive woes. Very frustrating! Arm yourself well with questions when you see your Dr. Don't let them blow you off or tell you to just eat more fiber! Focus on what you have and not what you lost! Best Wishes. Oh, PS: don't be afraid to fire your GI Doc if you don't resonate with him(her). Our previous experience makes us a little more discriminating!


Well, I have a lot of bowel issues and was curious about your situation. I read a piece from the UK's National Health Service and learned that sections of the gut can become inflamed from prostate radiation treatment. Getting shingles perhaps didn't help.

For me, gut inflammation can be healed via protein in the diet that is easy to digest. For me that would be egg whites, milk, protein powder, tofu, mild fin fish) I eat no more than a tablespoon of meat as it is harder to digest. I skip high-fat foods. To heal, I also need to eat other gentle foods that are easy to digest. Pureed veggie soups and hot cereal would be something like that.

If your gut can handle it, kiwi (1-2 a day, try 2 to start) acts as a natural stimulant for elimination. Slippery elm inner bark powder (add boiling water to make a "tea") supports the gut's mucosa, and that will help your gut heal. Magnesium supps can be a gentle aid to elimination (look at the Hilma brand). These three things keep me regular; without them, it would be another story.

Some laxatives can be harsh. Using them could prevent your gut from healing. I find that Colace Plus (stimulant and softener in one) to be the gentlest OTC if I have to use one.

The NHS article:,passing%20more%20wind%20than%20usual

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Thank you! I will certainly give these a try. A change in diet seems like a must do considering the circumstances.


Hi Dave,
Sorry for what you are going through. I had similar radiation nearly 25 yrs. ago for post surgery back up after endometrial Cancer. Surgery took care of tumor that was only half way thru uterine wall. Dr.s wanted to do follow up radiation like you did, and they read me the statistics. The Cancer was aggressive. I was 50 yrs. old and naïve about all this. I was limited where I could go due to insurance. The Drs. spoke so lightly if at all about side effects. Oncologist also went for additional radiation (vaginal) low dose in hospital. This was questionable in retrospect, but I trusted as I had little support and never had major health problems previously. It was scary. I had to trust.

I developed IBS. a couple years after the radiation, and still have it today. I see a GI Dr. Went to Hopkins, had all kinds of tests and colonoscopes. I took the Rifaximin $$$$$$ last Spring, and it may have helped, but mostly made me more constipated. I handle constipation by using Mirilax adjusting the dosage as needed based on daily results. Some take it in evening, and some take in first thing in the morning. I also follow a low Fodmap diet. This all helps.
Like you, I get angry. I get angry because they should had gone into more detail about the side effects. I did not have the internet in 1997. I will never know if I would be alive today had I opted out of these extensive treatments. I only know Cancer survivors live in constant fear of recurrence, so at least I know I listened and did all I could to survive ( 50 is still young and there is still time for recurrence. My GYN said that he would not have recommended radiation if I were in my 70's at the time.
If the constipation is severe, the Dr. may recommend a drug called "Linzess". Its pretty powerful, so I would go slow easing into it. It was too harsh for me, but many like it. I believe that radiation also messes with the microbiome, but GI Drs. don't address that well, as they come up with the standard off the shelf probiotic. Some will cause bloat as per my experience. Going to try it again soon in a more customized version.
A functional med or Naturopath might be a big help, if you have the $$$$$, but be careful as too many greedy people are hopping on that train. I started with one, but too much$$$$$$$$$$.

I wonder how much scar tissue factors into the intestinal problem. I had a hysterotomy, then appendectomy 12 yrs. later. There is likely scar tissue, and I am considering a viseral massage therapist ( a little tricky to find). I wish you the best on your journey, and don't beat your self up for doing the radiation. You had every reason to believe it was best, and it may well have been the best choice. I had the radiation at 50, and am now 77 and healthy except for the damn IBS. A lot more people than we realize have digestive woes. Very frustrating! Arm yourself well with questions when you see your Dr. Don't let them blow you off or tell you to just eat more fiber! Focus on what you have and not what you lost! Best Wishes. Oh, PS: don't be afraid to fire your GI Doc if you don't resonate with him(her). Our previous experience makes us a little more discriminating!

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Thank you for that information. The area I live in has very limited access to options in medical care. Just getting an appointment sometimes takes months as is my case here. We moved here several years ago and didn't realize how limited our options would be but am doing our best to navigate around them. My decision to go with radiation rather than other options was largely based on those limitations. Other options would have involved travel and lack of insurance coverage. I have found better information from helpful folks like yourself than I get from so called medical professionals.


I also had radiation treatment 26 years ago for cervical cancer at the age of 30 and began having bowel issues within weeks. Now at the age of 56 I have had 3 surgeries for bowel obstructions with 2 to remove part of the intestines and one to clip scar tissue. I am back to being full of scar tissue and I also have strictures and dilated loops in my bowels but Dr doesn't want to do anymore surgery unless it's an emergency. If you suspect that you might have a partial obstruction or stricture/narrowing in the intestines, please look up low residue diet. Anything that is hard to digest, such as nuts, seeds, raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains, can become lodged in the narrow points and cause a blockage. I've had shingles before but that's a walk in the park compared to bowel obstruction pain. I just wanted to let you know to be weary of too much fiber or difficult to digest foods. If your Dr suspects you may have some type of obstruction, the type of test that specifically looks for it is called a CT enterography with oral and IV contrast. Prayers for your health. 🙏

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