Bone pain: Can anyone explain what cancer in the bones feels like?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Aug 19, 2024

Can anyone explain what cancer in the bones feels like? I was diagnosed w breast cancer last year so I'm on high alert w pains I feel. I have had pain in my left hip for weeks. Doesn't hurt when I touch or move but very uncomfortable when I lay down, even if I'm not laying on it. Thoughts?

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I'll have an ultrasound in 2 weeks. Not worried. Thinking it's a cyst until it's not!

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I pray that it’s nothing. Big hugs.


Good morning Rom828:
Keep that Word close to you.
Until you get verification, let me share a few thoughts:
It could be a type of sciatica. I had this for quite awhile, could sleep and had to roll around in bed until i could find a place to get comfortable. Finally used a pillow between my legs which gave some relief.
I opted to get an mri. Didnt show anything.
I went to an ARROSTI doctor. Interesting, she prayed first and asked God to direct her to the right place to apply pressure and massage. Bingo, first day she released the pain. She said it would be temporary. After her work I went to her physical therapist to learn the beginning exercises. It helped immensely.
I was in a lot of pain, but that first release was a miracle.
I was treated for about 25 sessions. After about the 8th session, she assessed I also had Smpathetic Dominance. The pain was due to severe stress.
As she continued to work on me, I had to learn about SD.
Long story short… it took about 1 year to get the pain completely healed.

Now, God used another person who DID have bone cancer and who was getting scans every 3 months to help me with my recurrence of breast cancer. She was stage 4 bone cancer. She introduced me the Genuine Essiac Tea out of Haverhill, MA.
She started to take it snd spoke with Bryan, the owner. He told her to take it for 6 months.
After her first scan after taking the Essiac, lesions were started to fade. She was going to her medically trained oncologist who knew nothing about Essiac, but after 3 sets of scans within 6 months, he cancer was GONE. No more bone cancer.
Her oncologist was quite surprised but could only say “ whatever you are doing, keep doing”,
My point: IF its bone or any other cancer, look into Genuine Essiac Tea.
The testimonials are impressive.
You are right, not to borrow the trouble of worrying. Knowing one has cancer can become worrying and stressful and can exacerbate the cancer.
Knowing “Gods divine power has given is EVERYTHING pertaining to Life and Godliness….” is Truth to bank on. 2 Peter 1:3
God will lead you. Keep seeking and give us an update when you know learn what the diagnostic tests reveal.
Yes, ROM 828: God IS working All things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to HIS purpose. He knows Exactly whats going on in your body and Proverbs 24:6 “For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Covering you with prayers for His wisdom and outcome for His Glory.

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