Daily headache pain: How did you get relief?
My wife has a daily headache, nothing seems to help but a steroid shot in the neck will give her a couple months relief, only allowed 3 of these in a year, then its back every day. Can anyone tell me if they have had this and how got relief.
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Summer is the most intense for migraines. Maybe 9 to 15 days a month. October to May only 1-2 a month! But we are in Phoenix, famous for ridiculous runs of days over 110°. Over 85 days in a row now.
That happened only one time - so I know that feeling but it doesn’t happen regularly.
@cobalt. that must really be miserable for the both of you. i can't handle the heat. it makes me physically ill. 70s and lower are best for me. that 9-15 days a month is crazy bad. yeah October to May is the best time for me. especially Winter. my favorite time of year. @danny5
i know you said he's disabled. i'm sorry to hear that. so am i. with a migraine i can understand him being loud, nasty and agitated. funny or strange. when i get one i take my pill, then go back to bed and sleep. and hibernate. i stay away from everyone and everything. i live with my younger brother. and when i do that he knows not to bother me.
i just thank God i have something that works. @danny5
@szucker99, sorry. but what part happened one time only? @danny5
My head got hot before a migraine and during it. Like you had mentioned.
i told my Neurologist about that always happening. he looked at me like i had two heads. but didn't say a word about it. no explanation of what could be causing it. i'm very disappointed in him. i thought he was good. hmmm. @danny5
I think they hear so many things with migraines. I also get weird visual hallucinations that are the same every time like cartoons. I told my neurologist and he gave me the same look. Don’t feel alone 🙂
I also had an increase of Migraines and my neurologist had me getting Botox injections in my neck . Nothing helped, I took so much Ibuprofen my stomach is permanently destroyed from it. A fellow worker told me to stop eating Gluten and the headaches and bloating, gas pains, and spasms went away. I honestly did not think what I ate could help that much but I got my life back.
I do not eat gluten, dairy, and processed food and I have been able to stop certain medications and I can eat again and never get headaches. Find a functional medicine clinic. They find out what is wrong with labs, tests and they prescribe what supplements your body needs. I hope this helps her and please try it. Lots of great recipes on Pinterest takes longer to make but damn they are good.