Daily headache pain: How did you get relief?

Posted by shack @shack, Jul 21, 2024

My wife has a daily headache, nothing seems to help but a steroid shot in the neck will give her a couple months relief, only allowed 3 of these in a year, then its back every day. Can anyone tell me if they have had this and how got relief.

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@colbalt, thankfully i haven't had 10 days in a row. that is really awful for him. and yes the Barometric pressure affects the Migraines. trouble is i don't know if it's from it going up or down. does he get them more in the summer or winter? mines more in the summer. i rarely get them in the winter. if mine are intense it makes me vomit. then that makes the migraine worse. good luck. @danny5

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Summer is the most intense for migraines. Maybe 9 to 15 days a month. October to May only 1-2 a month! But we are in Phoenix, famous for ridiculous runs of days over 110°. Over 85 days in a row now.


i use Rizatriptan too. works pretty good too. i can tell a Migraine is coming on when the right side of my head gets hot. then i take one caplet. it usually works best. have you noticed if your head does this too?

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That happened only one time - so I know that feeling but it doesn’t happen regularly.


Summer is the most intense for migraines. Maybe 9 to 15 days a month. October to May only 1-2 a month! But we are in Phoenix, famous for ridiculous runs of days over 110°. Over 85 days in a row now.

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@cobalt. that must really be miserable for the both of you. i can't handle the heat. it makes me physically ill. 70s and lower are best for me. that 9-15 days a month is crazy bad. yeah October to May is the best time for me. especially Winter. my favorite time of year. @danny5


My son has mostly been waking up with migraines so he doesn’t even want to get out of bed or eat breakfast. So often he gets a migraine med in bed and another 20 minutes to see if it will start working. Often just getting up, dressed and started eating seems to help the migraine get better if not done with. We mostly figure out he’s got a migraine by his behavior not by him telling us. Very loud, nasty and agitated until a med works and he’s just fine.

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i know you said he's disabled. i'm sorry to hear that. so am i. with a migraine i can understand him being loud, nasty and agitated. funny or strange. when i get one i take my pill, then go back to bed and sleep. and hibernate. i stay away from everyone and everything. i live with my younger brother. and when i do that he knows not to bother me.
i just thank God i have something that works. @danny5


That happened only one time - so I know that feeling but it doesn’t happen regularly.

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@szucker99, sorry. but what part happened one time only? @danny5


@szucker99, sorry. but what part happened one time only? @danny5

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My head got hot before a migraine and during it. Like you had mentioned.


My head got hot before a migraine and during it. Like you had mentioned.

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i told my Neurologist about that always happening. he looked at me like i had two heads. but didn't say a word about it. no explanation of what could be causing it. i'm very disappointed in him. i thought he was good. hmmm. @danny5


i told my Neurologist about that always happening. he looked at me like i had two heads. but didn't say a word about it. no explanation of what could be causing it. i'm very disappointed in him. i thought he was good. hmmm. @danny5

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I think they hear so many things with migraines. I also get weird visual hallucinations that are the same every time like cartoons. I told my neurologist and he gave me the same look. Don’t feel alone 🙂


I also had an increase of Migraines and my neurologist had me getting Botox injections in my neck . Nothing helped, I took so much Ibuprofen my stomach is permanently destroyed from it. A fellow worker told me to stop eating Gluten and the headaches and bloating, gas pains, and spasms went away. I honestly did not think what I ate could help that much but I got my life back.
I do not eat gluten, dairy, and processed food and I have been able to stop certain medications and I can eat again and never get headaches. Find a functional medicine clinic. They find out what is wrong with labs, tests and they prescribe what supplements your body needs. I hope this helps her and please try it. Lots of great recipes on Pinterest takes longer to make but damn they are good.

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