How do I know the surgeon took enough lymph nodes during my surgery?

Posted by traci999 @traci999, Aug 19, 2024

I had surgery for invasive ductal carcinoma last September. They removed two lymph nodes which contained scarce amounts of cancerous tissue. I am now wondering should they have taken more?
My cancer was not detected with mammogram nor ultrasound even though the nipple area was affected. I'm coming up on my years and I guess I have more questions now than ever.

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Does the hospital you were treated at have a patient portal? Are you able to check in with the Drs. office that treated you? Or let them know and call? I would think you have a follow up if you are coming on a year. I do not see you had anything removed, so not sure where you stand with treatments. Post a bit more and I am sure others will respond.


I’m sorry I should have explained my situation in detail more. I was diagnosed with DCIS until I received the pathology report a couple weeks after a partial mastectomy on my right breast. They took two lymph nodes with showed scarce cancerous cells in both. It wasn’t alot but enough to make my cancer invasive. I had four weeks of radiation, no chemo and I’m now on letrazole. I go this Friday for blood work then next Friday to see my oncologist. I don’t know why but for some reason I’m questioning why they didn’t take more, a year later. You go thru so many emotions and thoughts and some days I think I’m going to lose it but God has helped me. I’m very blessed. I go have access to all my reports too. Thank you for responding


For today you are ok. Friday when they do the blood test start adding to the questions to ask that you want answers to. When they remove lymph nodes often, they biopsy and check to make sure they removed it all. Radiation to kill any cells left. Sadly, every single one of us has different factors for their diagnosis and different bodies. Check your reports and only google items in those reports. General googling can bring stores and results that will most likely never be ours.
For me, my attitude helps me in every day. God is the 1st one i thank for my day and for having people on connect to support us and for us to support. Gratitude for all of it. All that each day brings.



I could of wrote the same post you wrote years ago. Nothing on mammograms and 6 months later found lump. I had lumpectomy, two lymph nodes removed, chem and radiation. I asked surgeon same question you are wondering about, how do you know you got all the lymph nodes and the her answer was not detail, just that they could tell. I had to trust her judgement.

At time of treatment, you follow all the advice, but when you have rechecks, all the questions and concerns come back. Yes, ask you onogologist your questions and what ongoing monitoring is planned.

Seeing my breast are dense and mammogram missed cancer early, I have both mammograms and MRIs done to monitor for reoccurrences. It has been 5 years since treatment so I alternate the imaging every 6 months.

Do you have any imaging tests scheduled beside seeing the provider?



I could of wrote the same post you wrote years ago. Nothing on mammograms and 6 months later found lump. I had lumpectomy, two lymph nodes removed, chem and radiation. I asked surgeon same question you are wondering about, how do you know you got all the lymph nodes and the her answer was not detail, just that they could tell. I had to trust her judgement.

At time of treatment, you follow all the advice, but when you have rechecks, all the questions and concerns come back. Yes, ask you onogologist your questions and what ongoing monitoring is planned.

Seeing my breast are dense and mammogram missed cancer early, I have both mammograms and MRIs done to monitor for reoccurrences. It has been 5 years since treatment so I alternate the imaging every 6 months.

Do you have any imaging tests scheduled beside seeing the provider?

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Thank you so much for responding to me.

I actually had a biopsy and mine did not show then. The dr. knew something wasn't right so she did another biopsy (punch) and that's when they found my cancer. Since my surgery I've had alot of swelling and I had a rash that came up a month ago but it was found to be fungal. I guess I worry so much because mine was not found easily.

I see my oncologist a week from this Friday and I go to the breast center next month for mammogram and ultrasound. I had an MRI in January and from what they said it was most likely benign findings. I did not like the wording on the report so my oncologist went to bat for me at a meeting they have and apparently that is the wording they use. I think its just to cover themselves in case they miss something.

I will keep you posted.

Thank you,


Last April, I had a left breast mastectomy for the same thing. In my case, the surgeon removed 4 lymph nodes and two showed evidence of cancer cells. I'm taking letrozole 2.5 mg tablet and have chosen to forgo radiation because I'm 77 years old, the radiation has the potential to compromise my heart and left lung (I have COPD), my oncotype was "0" and my Signatera came back "negative".

I feel very comfortable with my decision and have not looked back...yet.


Last April, I had a left breast mastectomy for the same thing. In my case, the surgeon removed 4 lymph nodes and two showed evidence of cancer cells. I'm taking letrozole 2.5 mg tablet and have chosen to forgo radiation because I'm 77 years old, the radiation has the potential to compromise my heart and left lung (I have COPD), my oncotype was "0" and my Signatera came back "negative".

I feel very comfortable with my decision and have not looked back...yet.

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Sounds like you have a great plan and its working for you.

I did go thru 4 weeks of radiation and I am now on Letrozole 2.5 mg tablet. The surgeon removed 2 lymph nodes and they both had sparce cancerous tissue. My Onco score was 14. My oncologist said with my age (55) and my score chemo would not be much of a help for me.

I guess after a year I am just beginning to think deeper into things and now I have more questions which I will go over with my oncologist. It has been 6 months since my last MRI. I am pretty sure you can get one every six months.

Thank you,


I had the same question about the nodes... I was told that they just take the first nodes that 'light up' from the radioactive dye that are closest to the breast b/c that is where the cancer always goes first. I was also told that there is no benefit to taking more nodes b/c its just additional surgery with more complications (possible lympedema) and wont change the treatment plan. Years ago they used to take lots of node but I guess the current treatments now they dont need to do that because they found it doesnt help the cancer recurrence but does cause a lot of lymphedema


I had the same question about the nodes... I was told that they just take the first nodes that 'light up' from the radioactive dye that are closest to the breast b/c that is where the cancer always goes first. I was also told that there is no benefit to taking more nodes b/c its just additional surgery with more complications (possible lympedema) and wont change the treatment plan. Years ago they used to take lots of node but I guess the current treatments now they dont need to do that because they found it doesnt help the cancer recurrence but does cause a lot of lymphedema

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Thank you that makes sense. I really don't know why I am thinking all these things now. You'd think i would have thought of this before now.

Thanks for your response....


My oncologist explained to me, when I kept questioning the WHY questions … one of 3 masses in my breast barely showed up on my annual mammogram. One only showed u, barely, on an ultrasound. The third only showed up, barely, on an ultrasound. He told me when he was able to look at each scan and did a physical exam he was able to feel something, maybe by touch. So in my case Finding or feeling the cancer (all 3 masses were same cancer) was very difficult.

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