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I had very severe reactions to Reclast. The FDA insert said to expect some joint pain 2-3 days after, which I had. Then, things were ok for about a week and a half. Then, one morning, I woke up in severe joint pain ALL OVER! It was so bad, I could not get out of bed. Called my endocrinologist and of course, she said she’s never heard of this. I read the FDA Drug insert for Reclast and yes, there were a percentage of patients with this severe joint pain following the IV Infusion. All I can say is I will never, ever take that infusion again!
I believe each one of you saying you had pain after this infusion. It’s poisonous!

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Replies to "I had very severe reactions to Reclast. The FDA insert said to expect some joint pain..."

@normajean77 I totally concur with your opinion!

I am so sorry about your dreadful side effects. And it's not your fault as drs do not tell us enough information or they are ignorant. I am trying to decide what drug to take after coming off Prolia. They are all poisonous.

How do these drug companies get a licence? In America the drug companies pay 60% to the FDA. In the UK it's 80% subsidised by the companies. I am trying to find out what percentage they pay our Australian Licencing Authority.

Do look up Dr Aseem Molhotra. He has become an activist against these drug companies. Brave man!!