Undiagnosed Hip and Knee pain

Posted by mmarena88 @mmarena88, Aug 12, 2024

Hello, I live in Dallas and I have had severe hip and knee pain (simultaneously) for over 3 years now and have had imaging, surgery, and extensive physical therapy but my very reputable doctor cannot diagnose my pain. I've been to both the knee specialist and the hip specialists at TOA on Greenville and no relief. They said it is not a textbook problem and they keep just offering bursa and knee injections. I left the office in tears today after having another round of injections that typically last a month. I am 61 years and in very healthy shape and I can't even walk up a flight of stairs due to the pain. What do you do when the doctor cannot help? Prior to hip ligament/labral tear repair surgery I went to another very reputable doctor for a second opinion (Carrell Clinic) and he said the surgery seemed like the thing to try. It did not fix any of the pain. I'm at a loss as to where to turn now?

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Thank you for your response. Yes I did have lumbar/ sacral MRIs done, including of the lower back. I also went to a neurologist for a full EMG work up , and they found no nerve issues. It may be that I need to go ahead and see a spine doctor anyway.

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Did you read through the MRI reports of your spine? I always read the details to understand what is identified (disc bulges/herniations, arthritis, stenosis, issues with vertebrae positions, etc.). I have become really experienced doing this since 2017 and look up medical terms so I understand the reports. This helps you have better discussions with doctors/surgeons.

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