Weak stream after RALP

Posted by jmacllm @jmacllm, Aug 10, 2024

I'm 54 years old and had RALP surgery last week. My catheter was removed yesterday. I have not had leaking. My stream is weak and my bladder has significant pain when it starts to fill. I can only sleep 2 hrs at a time through the night b/c of the pain in my bladder and needing to get up to pee. Has anyone experienced this? I'm hoping it is just the result of inflammation, but I'd love somebody's comments. Thanks.

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You could still be very inflamed ; my catheter stayed in place for 2 full weeks and I don’t know if that is significant but I had none of what you describe.
Please call your surgeon ASAP and let him/her know what’s going on - this is very important, especially in the initial stages of healing.


Thanks. My Mayo Clinic surgeon is on vacation. I left a message for the on call doc. Hopefully someone will let me know what to do. Thanks again for the comment.


I have same problem. Diagnosed as Urethra collapsed. Currently using suprapubic catheter. Surgery upcoming


I have same problem. Diagnosed as Urethra collapsed. Currently using suprapubic catheter. Surgery upcoming

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Thanks. I'll ask about that. The on-call physician said he'd never heard of these symptoms and the Mayo surgeon and residents haven't responded to my message yet. I'll keep trying.


May want to contact UTSW dallas


Anyone get back to you yet?

If it was me, while I was waiting to hear, I'd do the things they'd tell you to do if it was a UTI. Lots of fluids, maybe cranberry juice. Urinate often as you can. Essentially flush out as much as you can.

Hopefully it is just some post surgery inflammation.

Try not to fall into the dehydration trap these symptoms set up for you. One of the things I've learned is when you don't drink enough, the urine in your bladder is more concentrated and so it irritates the bladder, this causes the urge to urinate more often.

Having said that, regarding the bladder, this is one of the "new me" things, if I do let it get too full, it is quite painful and I'm three years post surgery, two post salvage radiation.

...and, if I didn't hear soon, I'd go elsewhere and tested for a UTI,....

Good Luck !


Anyone get back to you yet?

If it was me, while I was waiting to hear, I'd do the things they'd tell you to do if it was a UTI. Lots of fluids, maybe cranberry juice. Urinate often as you can. Essentially flush out as much as you can.

Hopefully it is just some post surgery inflammation.

Try not to fall into the dehydration trap these symptoms set up for you. One of the things I've learned is when you don't drink enough, the urine in your bladder is more concentrated and so it irritates the bladder, this causes the urge to urinate more often.

Having said that, regarding the bladder, this is one of the "new me" things, if I do let it get too full, it is quite painful and I'm three years post surgery, two post salvage radiation.

...and, if I didn't hear soon, I'd go elsewhere and tested for a UTI,....

Good Luck !

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Thank you very much for your comments, especially the comment about having a painful bladder if it gets too full. I'm getting a bladder scan later today. I've been drinking lots of water during the day to flush things, but I stop in the evening in an effort to sleep longer. Still, I only get 2 hrs sleep at a time. Once again, thanks for the comments.

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