Dear @samcal9977zz
1) < Human people> always “fake posts” and “just angry” and you can “block them” cause you “have real medical problems”. I do the same thing and I have a lot medical & mental & emotional problems. < —
2) < It’s funny> in a way… our government people have a lot of “fake posts” like the coming presidential people. It’s sad of people, like us, uses “fake posts” cause the health feels like a great life, but sometimes do the wrong life today. < —
3) < Humanize> is sometime good while others is bad… lying is in “fake posts” for sad & wrong & bad & horriable (sp?) people that works with people, like us, physical & mental & emotional problems. < —
4) < Yes, I have a lot> of anti-sezier (sp?) meds that happened 12 years ago from my bicycle accident. Alot of folks have “problems” even “normal” people cause all of us are human. One day, we will die of this human life even the top leader people of war, governments, huge houses, own gold things, and on… < —
Greg D.
PS: My writing is not well from being aTBI person. I lost 80% of my brain uses like my past memory, my ability of what I did, physical uses like no driving again, and others, BUT I’m alive and still have a great family, including my best wife & friend. +Love+
Hi. @gregd1956 (Greg D.).
Despite the challenges you have been facing since the accident, I thank God that you are still here, engaged in the affairs of life, and enjoying your wonderful family. I applaud you that you have not allowed the circumstances of life to defeat you. Keep on keeping on, my friend.