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Is Dr. Gundry and "leaky gut" a scam?

Digestive Health | Last Active: 23 hours ago | Replies (298)

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Kathleen, I LOVE your use of all caps! I am with you on how a lot of modern medicine ie, the dr.s that practice (isn't that a VERY odd word for the medical profession..it really does seem to suggest that we, the sickest people, are just guinea pigs) are useless. When your GI specialist says "I have no idea how the ANS(Autonomic Nervous System) works, you are constipated. If you have nerve issues you need to see a neurologist ". I swear he said this to me. I get the impression that dr. Gundry helped you with something. Would you be willing to share? Personally, I couldn't care less about who, what, where...if it helps me. I have never had PPIs, I refused them. I feel the same about PPIs, reverse mortgages and annuities... but this is my opinion. BTW, I think I was one of the recent negative posts about gundry/oatmeal. Shelley

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Replies to "Kathleen, I LOVE your use of all caps! I am with you on how a lot..."

Well, Dr. Gundry and other doctors trying to do 2020s medicine versus 2024 medicine simply confirmed my suspicions that even premier clinics like "the Mayo" and Cleveland Clinic are fundamentally pretending like its 1990, not 2024. Plus, I worked as a reporter covering a national laboratory for a major daily for many years, and was told, repeatedly, by their scientists, that with knowledge of the microbiome we can, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY avoid illnesses, by treating the gut with microbes, and treat illnesses, especially digestive issues, but instead, "modern' medicine gives us labels like IBS, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia and ignores us. And what you allude to in your "nerve issues" analogy is so defining of FAILED medicine. "Doctors" want to treat symptoms, though post-human genome mapping, we know that the cause of illness is almost always MILES from the symptom. With me, I walked around for 31 years--REPEAT! 31 years--as I consulted with upwards of 60 doctors, including the Cleveland Clinic and the University of California, Davis; and the University of New Mexico, and not one of them found my dangerous GENETIC FORM of pernicious anemia, still considered the 4th most deadly auto-immune disease on the planet! That I FINALLY got diagnosed at all was because, on a day when I was too sick to even walk, I happened to watch a PBS thing on pernicious anemia and how "modern" medicine isn't catching it (and Americans are AGAIN DYING OF IT!) because they are operating under the MISINFORMATION that they can check B-12 levels and rule it out. THAT TEST IS INVALID! I called my worthless primary the next day and suggested that, he AGAIN, check me for pernicious anemia (I had suspected and had demanded testing earlier.), only this time that he DO SO CORRECTLY, by doing an intrinsic-factor antibody test and/or a gastrin test. The antibodies (that destroy the stomach) were through the roof. The gastrin (to digest proteins, cellulose and fats) was almost non-existent. But then a new problem, ever busy looking for more PROFITABLE illnesses to treat, I found that doctors anywhere anymore don't know diddly squat about this potentially deadly disease, and I'm still on my own dealing with my body (and drugs doctors had unadvisedly given me earlier) destroying my stomach! It's clear to me that "modern" medicine, for people with anything unusual and UNPROFITABLE for "modern" medicine, has one bit of advise for us: find a dark alley to crawl into and die but don't waste our time! BTW, I was sent to a neurologist for my pernicious anemia because my primary was so uninformed he did not know it isn't a neurological disease, IT IS AN AUTO-IMMUNE/METABOLIC DISEASE. So, doctors so poorly trained they don't even know, apparently, how to access computer data bases to get educated! A lot of sources--acquired on my own--have helped me, especially the pernicious anemia society of Great Britain, but also the book SUPER GUT, Gundry's wisdom and anything I can get on digestion and (something else no one tested me for) on Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, in my view, at epidemic levels because of "modern" medicine, drugs and processed foods.