← Return to Surgery or Radiation for Intermediate Prostate Cancer?

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I retired in February 2022. It had nothing to do with the PCa though. Forty years was enough for me, lol. I started the PT about 7 weeks after the surgery. They won't let you start before that as you need time to heal. I have seen others on this site say they had PT before surgery which seems like a good idea. My surgeon wanted me to talk to an Oncologist before I made my decision between surgery or radiation. I decided on surgery as I was 60 at time of diagnosis and also wanted to have the option of radiation if the PCa ever comes back. As far as other questions to ask other than his number of surgeries he's performed...... I'd ask based on size and location of tumor what are chances of incontinence after surgery. Also, what is he removing. Will it be nerve sparing surgery in his opinion. Also, my surgeon never ran a Decipher test on my biopsy sample or removed tumor. The Decipher test tells you how aggressive the cancer may be. You could ask him about the benefits of performing this if he hasn't ran it yet on the biopsy you had. It's a lot to handle but you'll get through it. Good luck with whatever decision you make. We are lucky in the sense there are so many treatments for PCa.

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Replies to "I retired in February 2022. It had nothing to do with the PCa though. Forty years..."

@ljbboston -- I agree with everything @perrychristopher said. Here's a couple more things to consider with your meeting with the surgeon: 1. have a written list of questions, 2. bring someone to take notes of what he says as you'll be in information overload and may miss something he says, 3. in addition to chances of incontinence, also ask about chances of ED, 4. with nerve sparing RALP, there's sparing both nerve bundles or just one nerve bundle, so ask which he'll be doing, 5. I had my RALP at a teaching hospital, so I asked if he was going to actually be doing the surgery, 6. I specifically asked if I was a good candidate for surgery. Best wishes going forward figuring out which treatment is best for you.