healing Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain (TNP) caused by molar extraction?

Posted by earthmama007 @earthmama007, Aug 4, 2024

In Oct 2021, a dodgy dentist wrenched on my third molar for 20 minutes until it finally cracked and released from its socket, leaving me with dry socket and immense pain that no medication could touch. I chose to do colloidal silver instead of antibiotics. I really had no idea how dire this whole exercise was, extracting a tooth being so life-ruining!
Since that fateful day, I've suffered immense pain that's been diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain (TNP) by a neurologist who prescribed me 25 mg Lyrica 2-3x/day for the weird pain behind my nose (especially when I talk or ingest anything inflammatory). Also a burning, hot sensation along my left gums and tongue. which also increases with anything inflammatory or too much talking. it's all very exhausting, my energy is lower now, and i usually have a low-grade headache.

I've also lost a lot of bone, so my face is sagging on the left side, including my ear lobe!!! I am a female, so this really sucks with earrings etc.
I want to be out of pain, and off meds. I've heard that NUCCA Doctor could release the trauma of the nerve so that it could start to repair.
Others tell me nerves never repair, but I refuse to believe that. The human body will always try to heal itself.
Brian from Hippocrates suggested the following:
1) fix with Nucca
2) realign with Pulse Magnetic therapy
3) Ingest/supplement with exosomes and peptides?

Has anyone else gone down this road to heal a similar issue???
From reading about NUCCA and related upper cervical chiros, I'm not so sure it will actually fix the neuralgia/ release the nerves. I've had an atlas adjustment before, and I can't imagine it fixing something like the trigeminal nerve along my jaw.
Thanks so much for any leads. I'm an otherwise very healthy 47 yr old female surfer.

July 2024 New information from Daniel at The Ageless suggests the following could help- has anyone had success from these?
Nerve healing supplementation:
B complex
Nearinfeared light and/or Photobiomodulation
Lionsmain mushroom
Bioregulation of the central nervous system

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I feel so bad for you! In my estimation, that dentist should be reported since it does sound as if he had no clue how to deal with the situation you were in. And now you have a horrid condition to deal with....
I will be following your conversation threads b/c I've had facial pain for over 10 yrs now, with many clueless doctors not having been able to find a cause, other than telling me "central nervous system" disorder, along with progressive brain demyelination. But that's another story (and one which I am still without answers).

I have dental work that must be taken care of because prior dentist evidently did not take several factors into account with two molars. God works in mysterious ways, and that dentist announced his retirement, which led me to find another practice. (I did not approve of the other dentists in that prawaicee so didn't want to remain there.). My new dentist is incredibly amazing, so much more thorough than my prior one. Bottom line: during initial consultation, discovered that BOOTH molars need immediate, complex attention. What complicates this: The dentist is concerned about my ultra sensitive mouth and face. I am scared of dental pain done without numbing the gums but the injections into the gums have triggered horrific pain in the past. So much so that I've often opted to forego the numbing. I know that the aftermath will include facial pain, including to already affected temporal mandibular joints. THAT BRINGS ME TO YOUR POST. I AM INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT ANY AND ALL SUPPLEMENTS, HERBS, ETC. THAT COULD HOPEFULLY LEAD TO CALMING THOSE NERVES AND POSSIBLY "HEALING" TO ANY DEGREE.

Our daughter's mother-in-law lives in Norway, and has been suffering terribly after dental procedures such as you experienced. Nothing has helped her, and she has been on rather serious meds. She had to retire early (had been a physical therapist) due to the intense conditions that became a part of her daily life, and could no longer drive either. She turned to medical marijuana to obtain periods of what she calls "sanity."

I hope you find means of dealing with the aftermath of your own hellish experience.
Will definitely include you in my daily prayers.🙏🏽


Hello @earthmama007, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @delia74 and others. I've had that experience with a dentist twisting and turning a bad molar to extract it with what seemed like an eternity to get it out. He showed me the tooth after it was out and the roots were twisted at the bottom which made it hard to extract. I was fortunate that the pain was gone within a day or two so I know it must really be difficult for you with the lasting Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain.

You might find it helpful to scan through the other discussions on Trigeminal Neuralgia to see what other members have shared - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=Trigeminal%20Neuralgia.

Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?


Forty years ago I had a case of trigeminal neuralgia. It was in Kenya where I was working in the Kenya wildlife department. I was suddenly smitten while on a work-related safari a day’s drive north of Nairobi. It was the most excruciating pain I ever experience before or since. Once back in Nairobi, I saw a doctor who correctly diagnosed the condition. She prescribed carbamazepine (sold as Tegretol). Within 3 hours all my symptoms disappeared. I continued taking tegretol for a few weeks and, while I would sometimes feel minor symptoms returning, symptoms were never again as severe as originally. After a few months (and since) I was totally symptom-free. Just my experience. I hope you can also find a cure. I know how painful it could be. When I got it, I was afraid I would die. Then I was afraid I wouldn’t.


My dad suffered from TNP for a long time because he said the doctors tried medications and none worked. He instead suffered from the severe pain and lost weight and looked horrible! It took intervention from my family to get him to go back to the doctor. He then had a nerve block done and became pain free. The side effect is that he had permanent numbness on the side of his face. But it was worth it to see the life come back to him and gain his weight back.


I feel so bad for you! In my estimation, that dentist should be reported since it does sound as if he had no clue how to deal with the situation you were in. And now you have a horrid condition to deal with....
I will be following your conversation threads b/c I've had facial pain for over 10 yrs now, with many clueless doctors not having been able to find a cause, other than telling me "central nervous system" disorder, along with progressive brain demyelination. But that's another story (and one which I am still without answers).

I have dental work that must be taken care of because prior dentist evidently did not take several factors into account with two molars. God works in mysterious ways, and that dentist announced his retirement, which led me to find another practice. (I did not approve of the other dentists in that prawaicee so didn't want to remain there.). My new dentist is incredibly amazing, so much more thorough than my prior one. Bottom line: during initial consultation, discovered that BOOTH molars need immediate, complex attention. What complicates this: The dentist is concerned about my ultra sensitive mouth and face. I am scared of dental pain done without numbing the gums but the injections into the gums have triggered horrific pain in the past. So much so that I've often opted to forego the numbing. I know that the aftermath will include facial pain, including to already affected temporal mandibular joints. THAT BRINGS ME TO YOUR POST. I AM INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT ANY AND ALL SUPPLEMENTS, HERBS, ETC. THAT COULD HOPEFULLY LEAD TO CALMING THOSE NERVES AND POSSIBLY "HEALING" TO ANY DEGREE.

Our daughter's mother-in-law lives in Norway, and has been suffering terribly after dental procedures such as you experienced. Nothing has helped her, and she has been on rather serious meds. She had to retire early (had been a physical therapist) due to the intense conditions that became a part of her daily life, and could no longer drive either. She turned to medical marijuana to obtain periods of what she calls "sanity."

I hope you find means of dealing with the aftermath of your own hellish experience.
Will definitely include you in my daily prayers.🙏🏽

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Thanks delia 🙂 yeah, it's pretty hard to believe this has happened, but I only have myself to blame, as I depended on the public system's dodgy dental practice. Never again will I trust them! I have been back to them, and sent them my entire history with all my research, which is extensive, and telling why they screwed me up by not properly informing me of all the possible complications of pulling teeth, esp because nerve damage is quite common.
In my research I' came across the myelin sheaths- is demyelination to do with them?
I will never go to a regular dentist again. Holistic is the only way to go- and a good one will prepare your body for healing weeks ahead of any surgery. no titanium implants either. And if you're especially sensitive, I highly recommend a holistic dentist.

The nerve doc i found on youtube (tried searching their nerve healing formulas on Trust Pilot, which is how I came across this support group! No ratings on trust pilot, so I don't know about them yet...
Anyway, she emailed me back:

After speaking with Dr John Coppola, he said the foundational principles we use to heal peripheral neuropathy will also apply to trigeminal neuralgia.

I would recommend nerve support formulas Nuphoria Gold and Nerve Defense.
Take as directed.

Infrared therapy 20 minutes twice a day on the affected areas on a daily basis.

It may take 3-6 months to see improvement but it should work just fine if you use the
right products and you're consistent. There's a lot of junk on the market.

We hope this is helpful!

Yours in wellness,
Nuphoria Support Team
844 400-0101

Anyway, yeah, my meds don't help with the burning or the pain my tongue is in from my now-exposed molar jutting into it- yet another thing the dodgy dentist didn't warn me about!!
I would not be able to work either, and have just started studying full time, which isn't super demanding physically or talking-wise, so that's good.
Can no longer drive- wow, sounds brutal.
The thing that really sorted me out was changing my diet!
I stopped eating carbs, gluten, dairy and sugar. Life-changing. Tell her to try that!
Thanks, really appreciate that 🙂


Hello @earthmama007, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @delia74 and others. I've had that experience with a dentist twisting and turning a bad molar to extract it with what seemed like an eternity to get it out. He showed me the tooth after it was out and the roots were twisted at the bottom which made it hard to extract. I was fortunate that the pain was gone within a day or two so I know it must really be difficult for you with the lasting Trigeminal Neuralgic Pain.

You might find it helpful to scan through the other discussions on Trigeminal Neuralgia to see what other members have shared - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=Trigeminal%20Neuralgia.

Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?

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Thank you for the warm welcome, it's good to be in a support group where people actually respond 🙂
Yes, it definitely felt like an eternity- I constantly think about how I should have told her to STOP!!! I had no idea how fatally serious (can get necrosis and die!) extractions can be, and that there are other options (like peizo), and implants should go in at the same time!
Anyway, the roots of my tooth cracked, but NO ONE can see them on any scan. so this is worrisome. Where are the roots???
You are extremely fortunate!
honestly, I have seen all specialists in the western medical (non-holistic) practices, and they are clueless. they don't even acknowledge cavitations, which I thought this could be, but apparently it's not. You would think if any of them were worth their salt they would've figured out the reason for me pain by now.
Thanks for the link, will have a look 🙂


Forty years ago I had a case of trigeminal neuralgia. It was in Kenya where I was working in the Kenya wildlife department. I was suddenly smitten while on a work-related safari a day’s drive north of Nairobi. It was the most excruciating pain I ever experience before or since. Once back in Nairobi, I saw a doctor who correctly diagnosed the condition. She prescribed carbamazepine (sold as Tegretol). Within 3 hours all my symptoms disappeared. I continued taking tegretol for a few weeks and, while I would sometimes feel minor symptoms returning, symptoms were never again as severe as originally. After a few months (and since) I was totally symptom-free. Just my experience. I hope you can also find a cure. I know how painful it could be. When I got it, I was afraid I would die. Then I was afraid I wouldn’t.

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interesting. and lucky!


My dad suffered from TNP for a long time because he said the doctors tried medications and none worked. He instead suffered from the severe pain and lost weight and looked horrible! It took intervention from my family to get him to go back to the doctor. He then had a nerve block done and became pain free. The side effect is that he had permanent numbness on the side of his face. But it was worth it to see the life come back to him and gain his weight back.

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Yeah, I tried some others like Gabapentin and carbamazapene, which made me nauseous, and the latter gave me a panic attack. Yeah, I'm not keen on the numbness thing, i've read that can happen. although maybe being numb is better than pain! I would've thought the nerve doc i saw would've suggested a nerve blocker, but she didn't. If i ever go back, i will ask, thanks 🙂


Thanks delia 🙂 yeah, it's pretty hard to believe this has happened, but I only have myself to blame, as I depended on the public system's dodgy dental practice. Never again will I trust them! I have been back to them, and sent them my entire history with all my research, which is extensive, and telling why they screwed me up by not properly informing me of all the possible complications of pulling teeth, esp because nerve damage is quite common.
In my research I' came across the myelin sheaths- is demyelination to do with them?
I will never go to a regular dentist again. Holistic is the only way to go- and a good one will prepare your body for healing weeks ahead of any surgery. no titanium implants either. And if you're especially sensitive, I highly recommend a holistic dentist.

The nerve doc i found on youtube (tried searching their nerve healing formulas on Trust Pilot, which is how I came across this support group! No ratings on trust pilot, so I don't know about them yet...
Anyway, she emailed me back:

After speaking with Dr John Coppola, he said the foundational principles we use to heal peripheral neuropathy will also apply to trigeminal neuralgia.

I would recommend nerve support formulas Nuphoria Gold and Nerve Defense.
Take as directed.

Infrared therapy 20 minutes twice a day on the affected areas on a daily basis.

It may take 3-6 months to see improvement but it should work just fine if you use the
right products and you're consistent. There's a lot of junk on the market.

We hope this is helpful!

Yours in wellness,
Nuphoria Support Team
844 400-0101

Anyway, yeah, my meds don't help with the burning or the pain my tongue is in from my now-exposed molar jutting into it- yet another thing the dodgy dentist didn't warn me about!!
I would not be able to work either, and have just started studying full time, which isn't super demanding physically or talking-wise, so that's good.
Can no longer drive- wow, sounds brutal.
The thing that really sorted me out was changing my diet!
I stopped eating carbs, gluten, dairy and sugar. Life-changing. Tell her to try that!
Thanks, really appreciate that 🙂

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Thank you so much for replying to my post. The info you supplied is interesting, and I am going to research for personal enlightenment. Intrigued by idea of a holistic dentist and the nerve supplements.

Inger-Helen (our daughter's mother in law living in Norway) has endured the after effects of that fateful dental procedure, for over 12 yrs now. She used to do a great deal of traveling with her husband, but that all changed since her life was so altered. They own a nice home in Mallorca (off coast of Spain) where they can go for a change of pace. Very quiet, laid-back town.

By the way: trigeminal nerve pain is also known as Suicide Pain, because many sufferers take their lives in order to end the excruciating pain.

In answer to your question: yes, myelin is what is lost via demyelination. Then messaging to areas o body can no longer be sent, resulting in loss of or diminishing of function. Demyelination is not just caused by multiple sclerosis, as I've come to learn. Genetic disorders, vascular inflammatory diseases can also do the same and are often misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis since so many symptoms/effects are incredibly similar.

Gracias again🌺😊


Ok it's time for an update! Since my post, I've been taking R-ALA, at least 300mg/day. sometimes 600. Plus phosphatidyl serine. Felt a slight easing of pain and the dreaded burn. THEN, I got this infrared mask, but i was barely using it... well that was a waste of time and money (not cheap!) - because I was told later to use this thing twice/day for 20 minutes to heal nerves! Then I was told by my biodentist every 48 hours for 10-20 minutes. And that it is similar to photobiomodulation. So I did, and felt some kind of sensation in the area of the extraction trauma/ pain!! The lower part of cheek bone. Since then, the pain has greatly diminished, and I'm finally starting to come back into balance. Still get pounding in jaw on heavy lifting/ exertion, so keep on doing the mask daily or every other day, continuing with good quality supplements, including lions mane, and staying away from inflammatory foods like dairy, wheat and sugar.

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