Any pre-injection tips for Tymlos?

Posted by esb13 @esb13, May 20, 2024

About to start Tymlos on Thursday. I know with Reclast a drink of water and 2 Tylenol before the infusion was helpful for absorption, side effects. Any similar pre injection tips from those who have been using Tymlos? Has anyone tried meclizine or another anti-vertigo drug to help with dizziness/nausea as body gets used to Tymlos?
Also - seeing here women talking about gaining weight and bloating on Tymlos - I haven't heard about this any where else. How bad is that? Being treated at a Boston Teaching Hospital and welcome this online community!

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I will be starting Tymlos later this week, and am seeking any suggestions, tips, tricks that anyone would care to share. I am, of course, nervous! So far I think I have read: hydrate well before and eat something a bit salty, watch D3, consider taking it at night so as to sleep through side effects, take at a time I can lay down if necessary after, and the wonderful windy shores method of stepping up the dose if I can’t tolerate the full dose! Oh! And ultra fine needles if the ones I receive initially don’t suite….Anything else? Thanks!

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I think you have it covered and you’re going to do great! At first I did get a little vertigo, but it happened when I would lie down. So, I make sure I sit up for a while after the injection. I also keep track of where I inject so I can alternate those areas. I watched the Tymlos video on how and where to inject and took a screen shot of the belly they show with areas to inject. I make copies of that and fill in the squares with the injection day, 1-30. Don’t know if that makes sense. I’ll see if I can figure out how to attach photo.


I will be starting Tymlos later this week, and am seeking any suggestions, tips, tricks that anyone would care to share. I am, of course, nervous! So far I think I have read: hydrate well before and eat something a bit salty, watch D3, consider taking it at night so as to sleep through side effects, take at a time I can lay down if necessary after, and the wonderful windy shores method of stepping up the dose if I can’t tolerate the full dose! Oh! And ultra fine needles if the ones I receive initially don’t suite….Anything else? Thanks!

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I actually switched to morning. When I did it at night I woke up with a headache. Once injecting in the morning, at first I rested for a couple of hours but as time went on, I found that I did better getting up and even going out.. I have low blood pressure so perhaps that activity raised it.

Everyone is different!

The hydrating and eating salty stuff is for low blood pressure. I might have mentioned it awhile ago because I was having lower bp after Tymlos, and had low bp to start with. You can get a home blood pressure cuff. If your blood pressure stays fine, there might be no need to do those things.

I have to say I miss Tymlos. I felt safe- no fractures in those two years (I have 7 spinal fractures) and I think my pain level was good, not sure why. Good luck!


I think you have it covered and you’re going to do great! At first I did get a little vertigo, but it happened when I would lie down. So, I make sure I sit up for a while after the injection. I also keep track of where I inject so I can alternate those areas. I watched the Tymlos video on how and where to inject and took a screen shot of the belly they show with areas to inject. I make copies of that and fill in the squares with the injection day, 1-30. Don’t know if that makes sense. I’ll see if I can figure out how to attach photo.

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Thank you! I’ve been trying to think how to keep track of injection sites (my doc said stomach only)—what a great idea! Then you have a long term record! Unfortunately, I have already developed quite a belly roll over the last four very stressful years. So I have some space! (Praying the Tymlos doesn’t expand it even more, but I just need to be grateful I have access to it!). Do you squeeze the flesh between your thumb and forefinger, inject, then let go of the flesh while keeping the pen in for the count of ten? I watched the Tymlos video, but they just show sticking the pen needle into flat flesh area….Thx!


I actually switched to morning. When I did it at night I woke up with a headache. Once injecting in the morning, at first I rested for a couple of hours but as time went on, I found that I did better getting up and even going out.. I have low blood pressure so perhaps that activity raised it.

Everyone is different!

The hydrating and eating salty stuff is for low blood pressure. I might have mentioned it awhile ago because I was having lower bp after Tymlos, and had low bp to start with. You can get a home blood pressure cuff. If your blood pressure stays fine, there might be no need to do those things.

I have to say I miss Tymlos. I felt safe- no fractures in those two years (I have 7 spinal fractures) and I think my pain level was good, not sure why. Good luck!

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Thank you for the input! I tend to have low blood pressure as well, so I will definitely use a blood pressure cuff and see what happens! How did you transition from taking it at night to taking in the morning (ie did you skip a day then resume in the morning?)? Just in case I need to do the same thing…..(I live in a very very hot climate and if I am going to get my walk in it has to be at sunrise. I guess I could join a gym for the treadmill but I really like going outside first thing in the morning! So, I was thinking of trying nighttime initially and seeing how it goes…)


Thank you! I’ve been trying to think how to keep track of injection sites (my doc said stomach only)—what a great idea! Then you have a long term record! Unfortunately, I have already developed quite a belly roll over the last four very stressful years. So I have some space! (Praying the Tymlos doesn’t expand it even more, but I just need to be grateful I have access to it!). Do you squeeze the flesh between your thumb and forefinger, inject, then let go of the flesh while keeping the pen in for the count of ten? I watched the Tymlos video, but they just show sticking the pen needle into flat flesh area….Thx!

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I wish I could figure out how to attach the picture but am tech challenged😊. I don’t pinch the skin. I gently push the needle in. I make sure not to push the needle in further as I press the medicine in. Didn’t figure this out for a bit but hurts less for me. I also used the @windyshores ramp up method. Everyone may have a different ramp up period. I still get the racing heart but it is not as intense as in the beginning.


I will be starting Tymlos later this week, and am seeking any suggestions, tips, tricks that anyone would care to share. I am, of course, nervous! So far I think I have read: hydrate well before and eat something a bit salty, watch D3, consider taking it at night so as to sleep through side effects, take at a time I can lay down if necessary after, and the wonderful windy shores method of stepping up the dose if I can’t tolerate the full dose! Oh! And ultra fine needles if the ones I receive initially don’t suite….Anything else? Thanks!

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And yes, stomach only. You may benefit from Tymlos nurse educator as I did. You can schedule and they will do a zoom with you within a few days. I had never injected and was really nervous about doing it correctly. No big deal after all!


Thank you! I’ve been trying to think how to keep track of injection sites (my doc said stomach only)—what a great idea! Then you have a long term record! Unfortunately, I have already developed quite a belly roll over the last four very stressful years. So I have some space! (Praying the Tymlos doesn’t expand it even more, but I just need to be grateful I have access to it!). Do you squeeze the flesh between your thumb and forefinger, inject, then let go of the flesh while keeping the pen in for the count of ten? I watched the Tymlos video, but they just show sticking the pen needle into flat flesh area….Thx!

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@bluebonnet242 I have a kid with type 1 diabetes so before Tymlos I had had decades of experience doing shots, unfortunately. I always inject in fat, so yes, I pinch some up. Then I try to avoid squeezing the medicine out/causing leakage, so I let go as I inject. Literally while I inject. Every once in awhile I hit a little capillary and have a slight bruise but pretty rare and not a problem.

I didn't keep track of where I injected to be honest- not on paper anyway. It was easy to tell just by looking at my tummy. The theory is that you want to avoid creating scar tissue, which can interfere with absorption, but personally I did not find one shot a day, with clearly visible marks on tummy where injections happened, to be much of a risk for scar tissue. Others may have had a different experience.


@bluebonnet242 I have a kid with type 1 diabetes so before Tymlos I had had decades of experience doing shots, unfortunately. I always inject in fat, so yes, I pinch some up. Then I try to avoid squeezing the medicine out/causing leakage, so I let go as I inject. Literally while I inject. Every once in awhile I hit a little capillary and have a slight bruise but pretty rare and not a problem.

I didn't keep track of where I injected to be honest- not on paper anyway. It was easy to tell just by looking at my tummy. The theory is that you want to avoid creating scar tissue, which can interfere with absorption, but personally I did not find one shot a day, with clearly visible marks on tummy where injections happened, to be much of a risk for scar tissue. Others may have had a different experience.

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Thank you!

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Thank you!

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@bluebonnet meeting with a nurse is a good idea!


I actually switched to morning. When I did it at night I woke up with a headache. Once injecting in the morning, at first I rested for a couple of hours but as time went on, I found that I did better getting up and even going out.. I have low blood pressure so perhaps that activity raised it.

Everyone is different!

The hydrating and eating salty stuff is for low blood pressure. I might have mentioned it awhile ago because I was having lower bp after Tymlos, and had low bp to start with. You can get a home blood pressure cuff. If your blood pressure stays fine, there might be no need to do those things.

I have to say I miss Tymlos. I felt safe- no fractures in those two years (I have 7 spinal fractures) and I think my pain level was good, not sure why. Good luck!

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I am so sorry that you have had to endure 7 fractures! Yet, you are on this site generously encouraging and giving of your experiences, to help others. Absolutely inspiring. Thank you for your encouragement that Tymlos was a good thing for you. It helps a lot!

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