Phillips Milk of Magnesia Mixed w/Prune Juice and Coffee

Posted by doors4ever @doors4ever, Aug 2, 2024

Anyone ever tried mixing 2 tablespoons of Phillips Milk of Magnesia (30 ml) with one cup of prune juice and one cup of coffee? Suppose to clean you out in about 30 minutes. Must be served hot and consumed quickly. Web site say's this mixture is often used by nurses. Thanks in advance for any reply's.

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Just the Milk of Magnesia will work for me easily, but my doctors always frown when I say that and tell me to use Miralax instead. I’m not sure why, but I’ve gotten the same response from all the gastroenterologists, primary and PA. There must be some reason, i’ve never pushed for an explanation, but they don’t want me using on a regular basis. Perhaps, occasional use is fine. Idk.


I’ve been trying all sorts of things in hopes of helping the ongoing constipation problem (I will take a laxative as a last resort and stomach is OK for a couple of days and then goes right back to where it was😭) I thought I had found the answer finally in prune juice. I took too much on day one and spent the entire afternoon in the bathroom, relief and pain at the same time. That was my first 7 1/2 ounce dose. I read that 4 ounces a day is more than enough so I tried that, and it worked for a few days, but the stomach discomfort became too much for me to handle so I had to stop it altogether. I’m still looking for my answer! If you haven’t used prune juice before be careful… It’s potent stuff! I can’t imagine, coffee, Phillips, and prune juice together. That’s a hearty combination. Please post how it goes if you decide to do it.


Just the Milk of Magnesia will work for me easily, but my doctors always frown when I say that and tell me to use Miralax instead. I’m not sure why, but I’ve gotten the same response from all the gastroenterologists, primary and PA. There must be some reason, i’ve never pushed for an explanation, but they don’t want me using on a regular basis. Perhaps, occasional use is fine. Idk.

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I wonder why they don’t like Milk of Magnesia vs Miralax?? I KNOW I’m going to get the desired response from Milk of Magnesia, but Miralax is not as dependable. I know how many hours it’s going to be before I need to make sure I’m at home with the Phillips product and the other one could be today, tomorrow… Who knows? Anyone with this problem knows that being able to count on relief is a huge part of what you’re going to take.


I wonder why they don’t like Milk of Magnesia vs Miralax?? I KNOW I’m going to get the desired response from Milk of Magnesia, but Miralax is not as dependable. I know how many hours it’s going to be before I need to make sure I’m at home with the Phillips product and the other one could be today, tomorrow… Who knows? Anyone with this problem knows that being able to count on relief is a huge part of what you’re going to take.

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Exactly. Every GI specialst I've ever seen say's take Metamucil and Miralax. One cap of Miralax is a complete waist of time for me and Metamucil seems to make things worse.

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