Mostly in my legs, but does anyone else’s body vibrate?

Posted by Bones53 @bones53, Jun 8, 2024

I had a Boston Medical spinal cord stimulator (SCS) installed and I started feeling vibrations in my legs shortly thereafter. At first I thought it was all in my head and that my legs and body were not REALLY & literally vibrating. However recently, during a particularly intense feeling of vibrations, I felt my legs and could literally feel that my legs were indeed VIBRATING!
The vibrating has expanded to cover almost my entire body, but normally occurs from my waist down. The REALLY weird thing is that the battery in my device and in the controller were dead and the device was OFF for at least 6 MONTHS and I STILL feel the vibrations!
Please, does anyone else have experience in body vibrating? Right now, as I’m righting this, my legs feel like they are being massaged by a thousand fingers!

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I have had this vibrating I have Type 2 DPN and Degenerative disc, I first noticed it when driving home I turn the car of and it felt like it was still running. I have an opportunity to go to Loma Linda Neuropathy clinic and get treatment they claim rejuvenation of nerves and 90% success to varying degrees. Free video call and Info on the internet also.


Yes! As I write this I am feeling the floor and furniture when I sit down vibrating. My spouse feels nothing of the sort. This has occurred several times in my life, lasting for several hours. THIS time the sensation is stronger than ever before! My body does not feel internal source for this sensation. I am a survivor of a subarachnoid cerebral hemorrhage ( brain aneurysm) 33 years ago, which has caused all manner of physical and mental dysfunction in it's wake.
This vibration thing is so real - yet not evident to others- that I am beginning to think I must be experiencing some kind of mental delusion.

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I noticed my legs vibrating before my Neuropathy which was proceeded by restless leg syndrome a few weeks I have been on Gabapentin for several years. I have felt the vibration again lately while holding off raising my Gaba
I have a opportunity with Loma Linda to get treatment they say is cutting edge and successful at rejuvenating nerves. I have had 2 video calls and phone calls no charge they told me about sensation in saddle area weeks before it started. Lots of Info on the Internet from them


Yes, from the waist down I am numb and almost always vibrating. I can't stand for long because of pain and even my butt falls asleep when sitting. There is no comfortable position anymore.

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The nerves in my saddle area are affected by Neuropathy also I have Back disc degeneration It feels like I am sitting on my wallet while driving the car. One day my legs were asleep and I could hardly walk I need to get up and walk after a while of sitting to be at my best

Check out Loma Linda Neuropathy clinic they are making great progress call them check out their web site


I've had entire body tremors before. Easiest way to describe it is it feels the same as when you touch a 9V battery to your tongue, you get a shock to your system. I would get that over my entire body, cumming in waves. Luckily that has stopped, but was replaced with involuntary muscle spasms in various parts of my body, shoulder, fingers, leg muscles, abdomen, face muscles, etc., and I was also having trouble sleeping due to the numbness in both feet.

I began to take 1 teaspoon of finely ground organic Cumin and mixed it with 1 ripe banana and 1 ripe avocado every night about 30 minutes before bedtime. I did help me sleep and strangely enough 95% of the muscle spasms, etc., disappeared! To test this, I went off it for 7 days, many of the spasms returned. Once I went back on it again they once again disappeared.

Cumin has many health benefits and no harmful side effects as far as I can tell and its working for me in more ways then one. We are all different and it may or may not help you, but at the very least it will provide other health benefits and may help you sleep as well. Hoping it works for you as well as it's working for me!


I do and I have tried 4 doctors who all would look at me and ask “are you vibrating now”? It’s maddening. The last one I went to, his nurse asked me if I forgot to take something out. I was so offended that I never went back. I am resigned to “apparently I am the only one that has expressed such symptoms” and will look for a support group.


I noticed my legs vibrating before my Neuropathy which was proceeded by restless leg syndrome a few weeks I have been on Gabapentin for several years. I have felt the vibration again lately while holding off raising my Gaba
I have a opportunity with Loma Linda to get treatment they say is cutting edge and successful at rejuvenating nerves. I have had 2 video calls and phone calls no charge they told me about sensation in saddle area weeks before it started. Lots of Info on the Internet from them

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I'm sorry, CGS. Five days have flown by since I first replied to your post about feeling vibrations. Honestly, at my age now of 70, time just gets away from me!
Anyway, over the five days, my sensation of vibrating has calmed, but not totally stopped. I note that you, too, use gabapentin for a lengthy period. I've been on the stuff for more years than I can remember. I don't even know why I'm on the stuff! I do know that over the years I've heard countless varied complaints about this medication for all kinds of patients. Heartburn, even!
So I suspect there is something in gabapentin that makes it a problem drug. Should we request our doctors quit prescribing it to us, as an experiment?


Sounds like the 'vibrations' could be essential tremor disorder. I have 'vibrations' throughout body at times from E T. But full body (head to toe) shaking all the time.

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Yes. My legs bontsye


I have severe axonal sensorimotor peripheral polyneuropathy
Small fiber neuropathy dysautonomia
Bottom line you can’t see my legs shake but the EMG picks it up. For me it is the motor neuropathy. It causes movement disorders. My hands have tremors you can see it is from the motor neuropathy not essential tremors. I have been tested for Parkinson’s negative for the antigens.


Bones53 @bone53, have you found out anything about you vibrations? I have the same thing. Mine started after I had a new battery put in. My lower legs have internal vibrations. Could be just a coincidence that it started after my battery swap but it doesn’t seem so. I’ve requested my Boston Scientific rep come and check out my stimulator.


YES!!! I have a Medtronics stimulator and live in a metropolitan area near teaching hospital and university. When I mentioned to 3 different Medtronics associates about this they said there was no way that it is due to my stimulator because it is off. I quit using it after major surgery in my pelvic area so I could not handle the stimulation like I had before the surgery. I have had my stimulator for 12 years. In that time I have not had very many complaints about the stimulator other than the battery life and having to recharge so often. This past year has been hell for me because my stimulation or body vibration is so powerful that I have difficulty walking and standing and now am home bound. I am getting the stimulator taken out next week, but I am not certain that it will take care of the problems that I’m having with the vibration. I noticed that the stimulation/vibration used to start after I did light house cleaning and bending over more than usual. Now I wake up to the stimulation/vibration and it last all day long. Sometimes I wake up and I don’t have any vibration so that’s a good day. However, I am having the vibration most every day. I am glad I found this forum because it is hard to find any information about this as I have searched for several months to get answers. I am so frustrated with Medtronics and how all they want to do is make money and sell their product. However, when you need their help, they are not there! I will be so grateful If indeed, the vibration stops after they take the spinal cord stimulator out. I can recollect that I had one about of a shocking vibration go through my body about a year ago. Then the vibration would only come every few months then every few weeks, now it is most every day. I hope to find some help here and I hope I can help others too.

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