very painful shoulder - any advice?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Jul 24, 2024

Out of the blue, I found that my right shoulder is in quite bad shape. Yesterday I had a steroid injection and I am quite hopeful about that because I am already finding a tad of relief.

However, I would like to hear from other members what their ecperiences have using other methods, especially Plasma Rich Platelet injections (PRP).

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Sorry accidentally hit the post button. Anyway I made an appointment with the shoulder clinic for early the next morning. I thought that I would be hearing what my options would be going forward and then getting a third injection of cortisone since the second one had failed miserably. I hoped that one would last long enough for me to make an informed decision and get the process started. What actually happened was way different. The specialist I had seen before and who was the one who told me that if it failed the next step was to discuss surgery options with the surgeon talked to me for a few minutes and then left to get the surgeon. The surgeon walked through the door and stopped just beyond the door. He turned to me and said that Shoulder surgery and recovery is very painful and long and because I had fibromyalgia I wouldn't be able to handle it and he absolutely refuses to do any surgery on me. He repeated this again making sure to emphasize that he refuses to do any surgery on me because I have fibromyalgia and I wouldn't be able to handle the pain and then he turned and walked out. I sat stunned and totally silent. I had had fibromyalgia since 1988 and had had many surgeries since then including 2 full open back spinal fusions where not only did they fuse the vertebrae in my spine together but actually had to fully rebuild several of the vertebrae before they could attach the rods. Those were painful to the extreme both in physical pain from my back and the painful effects all the different types and versions of morphines they tried. It turned out that I am allergic to them so of course for the second one I didn't even have those to use. I left still totally shocked. Luckily the third injection I did get that day has lasted a little longer than the other two. The pain is back but not real bad yet so hopefully I will have time to meet with a new surgeon before it gets real bad again. The MRI I had done just recently required you to slide your injured shoulder under a triangle shaped piece of plastic that holds the shoulder completely immobile while the MRI is done. There is no more pain to it than what you went in with. You don't have to put it in all kinds of weird positions and hold it there for what seems forever like you do for a cat scan or x-ray thank god. You don't go home with anymore pain than when you came in. Hopefully it will give your dr as much information as it did mine.


I am 74. I had reverse shoulder replacements on both shoulders this year. One was in September 2023 and the other was in January of 2024. And fell on some construction and broke my wrist. Doc cleared me to drive after 2 weeks when I was not on any pain meds. I had an ice machine from the hospital and iced it off and on for several weeks. Wore a sling for 6 weeks, but could take it off for getting dressed or showering.They gave me a few simple movements to do at home to do several times a day to keep everything moving. I started therapy after 3-4 weeks, it was all passive or very light assisted movements until the sling was off. After that was only a few more weeks. It was not 6-8 months. They use the deltoid muscle to power your shoulder instead of the tendons.
I needed some help with lifting and carrying things, and cutting up my food for the first week. We bought a remote controlled recliner so I could put up the foot test and lean back on my own.
They do a nerve block of that area so it didn’t even hurt for the first 2 days. I only took pain meds for 3-4 days.
I hope I didn’t give you too much information. I had to do it because I couldn’t even hold a coffee cup or vacuum or carry my purse because of pain and weakness.
If you are cleared for surgery, the success rate is 99%. I have full function and no pain now. Can’t lift anything more that 25 pounds above my head. Well, I don’t do that anyhow. Good luck in your decision and outcomes.

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Great job! Very impressive work and results! Good for you! Joe


Sorry accidentally hit the post button. Anyway I made an appointment with the shoulder clinic for early the next morning. I thought that I would be hearing what my options would be going forward and then getting a third injection of cortisone since the second one had failed miserably. I hoped that one would last long enough for me to make an informed decision and get the process started. What actually happened was way different. The specialist I had seen before and who was the one who told me that if it failed the next step was to discuss surgery options with the surgeon talked to me for a few minutes and then left to get the surgeon. The surgeon walked through the door and stopped just beyond the door. He turned to me and said that Shoulder surgery and recovery is very painful and long and because I had fibromyalgia I wouldn't be able to handle it and he absolutely refuses to do any surgery on me. He repeated this again making sure to emphasize that he refuses to do any surgery on me because I have fibromyalgia and I wouldn't be able to handle the pain and then he turned and walked out. I sat stunned and totally silent. I had had fibromyalgia since 1988 and had had many surgeries since then including 2 full open back spinal fusions where not only did they fuse the vertebrae in my spine together but actually had to fully rebuild several of the vertebrae before they could attach the rods. Those were painful to the extreme both in physical pain from my back and the painful effects all the different types and versions of morphines they tried. It turned out that I am allergic to them so of course for the second one I didn't even have those to use. I left still totally shocked. Luckily the third injection I did get that day has lasted a little longer than the other two. The pain is back but not real bad yet so hopefully I will have time to meet with a new surgeon before it gets real bad again. The MRI I had done just recently required you to slide your injured shoulder under a triangle shaped piece of plastic that holds the shoulder completely immobile while the MRI is done. There is no more pain to it than what you went in with. You don't have to put it in all kinds of weird positions and hold it there for what seems forever like you do for a cat scan or x-ray thank god. You don't go home with anymore pain than when you came in. Hopefully it will give your dr as much information as it did mine.

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You have been through quite a journey. I'm at the begining of mine. Had a PT appointment yesterday and that's a start. The first cortisone shot has helped and that's encouraging. I never realized how complex a shoulder injury can be. For the doctor to make that remark and then walk out without waiting for your response seems extremely rude. Perhaps he was concerned about your complex situation but didn't have the skills to carry on a conversation about it. Have you considered a second opinion? That was good information about the MRI. Hope they all are equipped like that. Take care. you must be very strong to deal so well with all of your medical issues!!!


I have both shoulders that need replaced. I am 85 years old and going to rehab is not appealing to me. I have been to 5 different doctors and they Say reverse replacement is all they can do. Had pain in both. I had nerves deadened in both shoulders and they quit hurting. Yes rehabilitation is from 6 to 8 months. Ligaments can not be reattached. Do I want to go through that at my age?

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Good afternoon @ranch. I feel like a friend already. First, I am 82. Second, I have had 4 shoulder surgeries----3 on my right shoulder and one on my left shoulder.

One night in the mountain town of Idyllwild, CA, I was invited to a town meeting at the American Legion. Upon arriving, I was surprisingly chosen as the community's annual honored businessperson. My Art Gallery was evidently doing well and attracting more visitors to stay in hospitality edifices and enjoy eating in locally owned restaurants.

I was thrilled until I turned to wave goodbye to my "special" friends. Unfortunately, a snow plow had knocked down the parking platform fence. When I turned around to wave goodbye to everyone, I took one too many steps backward and fell tumbling down the mountain.

My right shoulder lost its stability and tumbled as it tried to find a stopping place.
Unfortunately, that shoulder was hung on the light in the ambulance ceiling. My arm bounced around for about an hour until we arrived at the hospital of the small town at the bottom of the mountain. I remember that the shoulder was held in place while X-rays were taken.

Then, the initial repair work began. Surgery number 1 revealed some scary, torn parts that were impossible to replace. Then, surgery number 2 did not make good friends between the donated cadaver replacement and what was left of my shoulder.

It was the third surgery, a reverse, which prepared me for the most potential and today still serves me well. I don;t think I can throw a long pass.....and yet I can play with our grandchildren and have a good excuse for skipping making dinner or folding laundry!

Good luck @ranch. I am now 82 and thrilled that I said "yes".


Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate the information because I know very litte about this entire journey. Just hearing about the deltoid muscle was new and helpful to me. I need to look up the operations that you had so I understand them. I think the first step for me should be to get to n orthopedic surgeon. I understand about the recliner. I really understand about the coffee cup. I have tried to use my left arm as much as I can and not the right arm. Thank you again for your reply. It sounds like all went well for you and that's a good thing!!!!!!

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From what I understand you should see an orthopedic surgeon for evaluation. Then depending on many things, they may have you try physical therapy first. They would not give me a steroid injection in my shoulders because they said it would increase the chance of infection. I went to an orthopedic institute where they have doctors that do a lot of shoulders. My local guy does 20 reverse ones a year. The institute guy does 200.
It was understanding that it would not get better on its own, but that may be because of the degraded and torn tendons. Best of luck. My surgeon said I would just need to bring patience with me.


Good afternoon @ranch. I feel like a friend already. First, I am 82. Second, I have had 4 shoulder surgeries----3 on my right shoulder and one on my left shoulder.

One night in the mountain town of Idyllwild, CA, I was invited to a town meeting at the American Legion. Upon arriving, I was surprisingly chosen as the community's annual honored businessperson. My Art Gallery was evidently doing well and attracting more visitors to stay in hospitality edifices and enjoy eating in locally owned restaurants.

I was thrilled until I turned to wave goodbye to my "special" friends. Unfortunately, a snow plow had knocked down the parking platform fence. When I turned around to wave goodbye to everyone, I took one too many steps backward and fell tumbling down the mountain.

My right shoulder lost its stability and tumbled as it tried to find a stopping place.
Unfortunately, that shoulder was hung on the light in the ambulance ceiling. My arm bounced around for about an hour until we arrived at the hospital of the small town at the bottom of the mountain. I remember that the shoulder was held in place while X-rays were taken.

Then, the initial repair work began. Surgery number 1 revealed some scary, torn parts that were impossible to replace. Then, surgery number 2 did not make good friends between the donated cadaver replacement and what was left of my shoulder.

It was the third surgery, a reverse, which prepared me for the most potential and today still serves me well. I don;t think I can throw a long pass.....and yet I can play with our grandchildren and have a good excuse for skipping making dinner or folding laundry!

Good luck @ranch. I am now 82 and thrilled that I said "yes".

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Thanks, I have had X-Rays and MRI of both shoulders.Side bar I have had both knees replaced. Back to shoulder gone to five Dr’s. Had replacement surgery scheduled but couldn’t pass physical. I am going to one more at May’os in Rodchester. My heart Dr is there. Will have replacement surgery there if approved


Sorry accidentally hit the post button. Anyway I made an appointment with the shoulder clinic for early the next morning. I thought that I would be hearing what my options would be going forward and then getting a third injection of cortisone since the second one had failed miserably. I hoped that one would last long enough for me to make an informed decision and get the process started. What actually happened was way different. The specialist I had seen before and who was the one who told me that if it failed the next step was to discuss surgery options with the surgeon talked to me for a few minutes and then left to get the surgeon. The surgeon walked through the door and stopped just beyond the door. He turned to me and said that Shoulder surgery and recovery is very painful and long and because I had fibromyalgia I wouldn't be able to handle it and he absolutely refuses to do any surgery on me. He repeated this again making sure to emphasize that he refuses to do any surgery on me because I have fibromyalgia and I wouldn't be able to handle the pain and then he turned and walked out. I sat stunned and totally silent. I had had fibromyalgia since 1988 and had had many surgeries since then including 2 full open back spinal fusions where not only did they fuse the vertebrae in my spine together but actually had to fully rebuild several of the vertebrae before they could attach the rods. Those were painful to the extreme both in physical pain from my back and the painful effects all the different types and versions of morphines they tried. It turned out that I am allergic to them so of course for the second one I didn't even have those to use. I left still totally shocked. Luckily the third injection I did get that day has lasted a little longer than the other two. The pain is back but not real bad yet so hopefully I will have time to meet with a new surgeon before it gets real bad again. The MRI I had done just recently required you to slide your injured shoulder under a triangle shaped piece of plastic that holds the shoulder completely immobile while the MRI is done. There is no more pain to it than what you went in with. You don't have to put it in all kinds of weird positions and hold it there for what seems forever like you do for a cat scan or x-ray thank god. You don't go home with anymore pain than when you came in. Hopefully it will give your dr as much information as it did mine.

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I think some surgeons only want to do surgeries which they think will not have complications. I was turned down by a surgeon because I take prednisone for an autoimmune disease. Another surgeon said no problem and I have had a hip and shoulder replacement without complications. I am 77 and have two more joints needing replacement. It all depends on the doctor.

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