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@ Yes, I have psjogrems and other autoimmune diseases. No teeth, dry eyes, gloucoma, etc., etc., etc. It gets very bad. Somehow I am still here but it gets harder but so far I am still here.

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Replies to "@ Yes, I have psjogrems and other autoimmune diseases. No teeth, dry eyes, gloucoma, etc., etc.,..."

@peach414144 I have was just thinking of you and wondering how you are glad your still here good to hear from you It's to bad this is how we do. I have sjorans also but am thankful I just have dry eyes and mouth .I use Biotene it helps me .I do have M.D. and glucoma my eyes water for no reason.I put drops in 4-5 times a day After reading how bad it can get I feel blessed its just my eyes and mouth Bless us all.

Hi...I was reading your comment....I have RA,severe osteoporosis and sjogrens...my teeth are a problem....loosing one at a time...chewing miserable... going into Tufts Dept of Oral Medicine and hope I get some perspective on tooth loss... with bone loss I am nervous and recently cancelled appt for iv Treatment for osteoporosis that has jaw necrosis as side effect...I am having some teeth pulled....maybe later

I have little sore knots on a few fingers and gout sometimes on my toes. Stay away from to much acidic foods O.J. or pineapple and ask for prednisone. Do not stay on prednisone it put weight on you.