I have had extensive treatment for DDD. So far I have had 8 surgeries for joint replacement or disc repair. My first surgery was on all the discs in my neck. I complained for years of the pain and spasms in my neck. Oh you are too young to have arthritis, serious damage, etc. In 2001 I was referred to a neurosurgeon who held up the MRI and showed me the damage I had on my spine. Every disc was either herniated or bulging. I had everything listed in the literature; spinal foraminal stenosis, scoliosis, spondolethesis, osteophytes and arthritis. plus bone malformation in my left shoulder. The doctor said I had 5 to 1o years of damage, finally someone validating pain that got worse and worse and caused damage since I was 35 yrs. old. I was 54 yrs. old at the time of the first surgery. I worked full time and was a single parent with a family. I could not lift my arms more than 5 inches and was in pain from hell. In 2003, I needed more work on my neck, all cervical discs were removed and replaced with cages and screws and a titanium bar to support my neck. In 2005, I had surgery on the whole lumbar spine the outcome was better, but not paradise. In 2008, my left hip was replaced when I woke up, I couldn't move my foot and had a dropped foot. I did extensive PT in water and after 18 months the function in my ankle returned. In 2010, just to keep things interesting, I contracted sepsis of my epiglottis and was placed in a medical coma, survived and found I had brain damage and could not read or write. I was forced to leave my job permanently and go on SS disability at 61 yrs. old. In 2012, I started having neck and thorax pain, however, at that point I became inoperable and was offered a morphine pain pump. I never even cleaned out my office. Since then I have had a shoulder replacement, knee replacements and right hip replacement. I had COVID twice and survived with no long term damage. I look at this medical condition as a journey, I tried anything that would keep me walking. I learned that I didn't make the decision for this path of treatment, the pain did. Today I meditate and watch my attitude, was it good? No, but self pity won't give me relief. I have a deep spiritual life that helps me cope with my condition. I hope the outcome for your condition is a good one. Hang in there.
I have much empathy. I too am trying to live with very little difference. I fight mentally all the day, try to walk, very painful in both hips. On and on. So many things that I cannot prioritize my next medical move. Trying to obtain dental work, outrageous cost but have to find a path because I need a pacemaker. May GOD help us, please lord Jesus help!