worried daughter

Posted by worriedaughter00 @worriedaughter00, Jul 20, 2024

Hello all!

My father got his prostate removed in 2018 at the age of 67 and ever since then his levels have been undetectable since then. He recently visited a new primary care doctor that ran the PSA test and came back at 0.1 ( reference range in my chart is 0-2.5) and he said he’d like to see him in 6 months to make sure it’s not increasing This is a different system/lab then were his urologist is. Can that make a difference? I believe his urologist was ordering an ultra-sensitive test because after time the results came back he would say it’s still undetectable. Should I be concerned or is it probably just different labs/assay? Thank you for taking the time to read this

His tests from his urologists were that he considered undetectable
5/2018: 0
4/2019: 0.01
8/2019: 0.01
12/2019: 0:01
6/2020: 0.02
7/2021: 0.03
6/2022: 0.05
4/ 2023: 0.03

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You're quite welcome. Good luck with everything. One other thing I meant to say. I'd probably have your Dad's Urologist take the lead on the PSA testing and not his PCP. I had my RALP 2 years ago and he recommends the test interval. (Although when he said I could test every 6 months I requested 4 months. My last appointment my interval was raised to once a year but I requested to get tested twice a year). I let makes me feel better mentally to get tested slightly more often. I've also only had the standard PSA tests ran.


Your Dad is a lucky man to have a daughter like yourself. Since your Dad had his prostate removed his PSA should be < 0.1. It sounds like your Dad had been getting the Ultra sensitive PSA tests at the prior lab. He needs to verify if the new lab processed as an Ultra sensitive test or standard test. The low limit on a standard PSA test is 0.1. Most labs only run the standard test so it's definitely possible that your Dad's last blood test went to a standard lab from the new PCP. Also, the less than sign, < , is important. The lab results hopefully read < 0.1. If that's the case your Dad is fine. I would contact the PCP and definitively find out what type of PSA test was performed. Frankly, the new PCP should have asked your Dad if he wanted to have the ultra sensitive test or the standard test. If your Dad's test result was actually 0.1 on the nose (in either the ultra or standard test) I would request the PSA be ran again in a month or two not six. Even if his test is actually 0.1 most likely a follow up PSMA test will show nothing and radiation to the prostate bed and surrounding area will be recommended. I think his blood test went to a lab that only runs the standard test. In any case he'll be fine.

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at 72, 3+ years post-surgery, i had been getting PSA results of < .03 (the minimum). Then I had a test with a .1. I called my Hopkins urologist/surgeon and he wanted me to retake the test at the Hopkins lab. Result < .03. 6 months later the same result. He had an idea that the .1 result may not have been accurate.

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