Is there an RX ( can’t be an NSAID) that will not make a person loopy?

Posted by patdeptuch @patdeptuch, Jul 19, 2024

My husband has had several failed back surgeries and is in chronic pain every day. He Has a Nevro implant and has had ablation surgery

I am urging him to find a strong medication that will give him relief from pain

He won’t because he says he doesn’t want to be loopy.

Is there any medicine you’ve taken that is strong but left you feeling awake and like yourself without the pain?

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I have taken Tramadol for years for serious back pain. I have never felt “loopy,” and it helps tremendously with pain. It will take the edge off of pain, which for me has been a Godsend over the years. It is a Ckass C drug, and you need to show your ID, but it is a very helpful medication. I don’t mind pain - as long as it doesn’t hurt!! Tramadol is a great choice for back pain. Good luck! ( Irene5)


I agree that Tramadol, with or without Tylenol is a good choice if NSAIDS are out of the question. Many people assume they will be “loopy” on any narcotic and that’s not the case. It’s very drug and dose dependent and affects each person differently. The only way to know is to try a low dose, then make adjustments accordingly. I do hope he will give something a try to give him some relief!


There are many pain reduction medications. Should discuss those with your Doctor, preferably one that does pain mgt. Opioids are effective, but not a long term solutions for a number of reason, especially considering how quickly they lose their efficacy requiring ever increasing dosage needed to manage the pain.


If you can get Cannibus legal in your area, THCA (make sure it has the "A" at the end) helps me a lot and is not psyco active. Could ask the doctor about it.


I had the extreme opposite experience with tramadol than others who commented. I took one dose for my back and was still nauseous and loopy days later. I have a neighbor who took it very successfully after surgery for cancer and their jaw. I think it must be a great one for many, but not for all. Should you find it not to be the one for your husband, my experience with meperidine (Demerol) has been a good one. Both hydrocodone and oxycodone make me very nauseous but nothing was as bad as tramadol for me. Meperidine is just a personal preference. I don’t know what your husband‘s susceptibilities to medications are. Mine are pretty sensitive. Good luck! I hope he finds some relief in one of these. I can’t imagine the pain he must be in.



We (humans) are all basically made the same way .. but we are all unique. What works one person will not work for another.

Seek out a good pain management doctor. They can help sort it all out. Many push pain stimulators and pain pumps. Those aren't for me. .. but may be for him and others.

I have used Oxycodone since 2015. It works for me because I do not always take the same dosage. Most times I take 4 pills in a day .. but it can be as few as two or as many as 5. It keeps me at pain numbers of between 4-8. It gives me a mild headache for about 30 minutes .. my pain is reduced. I don't feel loopy. If I add Tylenol I feel nauseous. If I eat something sweet near when I take the oxycodone I feel not loopy .. maybe “up” or “flighty” might decribe it .. but it doesn't last long. Right now I have added Zanaflex .. muscle relaxant for a jaw problem that has joined my back, sacrum, neck, shoulder, feet, knee, and diaphragm pains. It is helping. I am taking a half dose twice a day of the Zanaflex and a whole at night. It makes me sleepy. I seperate the Oxycone and Zanaflex by two or three hours.

Many can do as I just did and others have and tell you what works for us. but only your husband can say works for him. It may take some experimenting though.




I forgot to mention a non-medication option that I also use. I use a TENS unit. My physical therapist recommended I get one for home use about three years ago. I got the same brand he uses on me and he showed me where to place the pad leads and what setting to start with and told me to experiment on settings. I mostly use it for my lower back and sacrum area for the bad flares … I use it a couple of times a day during the flares, but there is no limit that I know of of how often you can use the unit. There are sites online that show illustrations of where to place the pad leads, The units are not very expensive .. when I bought mine, but many things have gone up in price since then .. and there are many to choose from.

We don’t have an acupuncturist in my area, but many say they are helpful. My physical therapist has used dry needling on my feet. .. which is like a combination of TENS UNIT and acupuncture. That kept me out of surgery. There is also chiropractors .. so far that has not helped me.

I also think that doing a bout of physical therapy every year or two is worth it. My physical therapist keeps up on the latest treatments. I've seen him off and on for about 20 years.



@patdeptuch. i'm sorry about your husbands pain. medicine affects everyone differently. no 2 people are going to be the same. i have no idea what's out there for what you're looking for. ME, i'd rather be loopy and mellow. than going through his type of pain. but like i said, that's just me. but like a lot of comments here. try a pain management doctor. but remember. if you don't like how they treat both of you. walk out and find someone who'll help you. good luck. danny5


I have taken Tramadol for years for serious back pain. I have never felt “loopy,” and it helps tremendously with pain. It will take the edge off of pain, which for me has been a Godsend over the years. It is a Ckass C drug, and you need to show your ID, but it is a very helpful medication. I don’t mind pain - as long as it doesn’t hurt!! Tramadol is a great choice for back pain. Good luck! ( Irene5)

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I’ll have to look up Tramadol as that sounds like something I’ve had that didn’t do a thing for me. Hopefully I’m wrong and it’s something my husband can use. Thank you

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