Reversal of penile shortening after stopping Lupron

Posted by retireddoc @retireddoc, Mar 20, 2024

I am a 71 yo diagnosed with Gleason 9 PC in August2021. Had RP 10/21. Six months post op PSA rose to 0.37 and a PSMA PET revealed a single met to my T8 vertebral body. Was treated with SBRT. Four months later PSA had risen to 4.5 (yikes! rapid doubling time) and repeat PSMA PET revealed positive single lymph node in pelvis with no activity at T8. Referred to Medical Oncologist.
After much research on my part I chose Dr. Pienta and D. Reyes NP at Johns Hopkins. They recommended immediate triplet therapy-Lupron, Darolutamide and Taxotere chemotherapy. I completed the therapy (Lupron continued) in December 2021. My PSA became undetectable after the 2nd chemo treatment and has remained so. I then had full pelvic radiation to my pelvis (37 treatments) in March-April 2022. I was taken off the Lupron after one year; my last 3-month injection was July 2022.
I have experienced the usual side effects of Lupron-hot flashes, fatigue, mental fog, muscle loss etc. I expected testicular atrophy but I didn't expect penile shortening. I have rice read this is a side effect. Have others experienced this? For those that have discontinued ADT/Lupron, is it reversible and how long does it take? March 2024 my PSA remained undetectable and my Testosterone had risen from < 3 to 31.
Having cancer, especially Stage 4, is bad enough. But the side effects associated with treatment (loss of ejaculation, ED, genital shrinkage) have really added insult to injury.
Any comments would be welcome. Thanks!

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In my 8th month of ADT (Lupron), and the shrinkage of everything is obvious! I use a vacuum pump to try to keep the blood flowing, and will stay optimistic. Fortunately, no more hot flashes, but still have some muscle aches which I just accept and hope will dissipate in time.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories; very helpful as we continue the journey!


My urologist, a 30 something female, didn't prepare me for the side effects of Lupron or radiation either. BIG surprises!
My issue with "the head of the turtle" isn't living w/o sex, we've adjusted to that, but I'm feel like a 3yo because I have to drop my pants to go! Can't fish the little guy through my pants!


retireddoc, we all think our docs were doing the best they can to save our lives. But it does help to know adverse side effects. Nice defense of the profession, though.
I gathered all the side effects on line. One UCLA doctor talked about dry ejaculations taking some getting used to. Hope they aren't painful. And I read somewhere about success with stem cells for the prostate.
Can prostate cancer patients take testosterone after treatment to hasten return of normal levels of the hormone?

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I had LARP in Feb 2020. I have not had to use any of the drugs. But I do not have a partner and I do not stimulate myself. I have not noticed any shrinkage but I also do not get an erection. I asked my urologist about TRT and he refused to even consider it. So I asked my GP. She said with 3 years of zero PSA and a clean PET scan, she would consider it if I signed a release. My Test was 320 last summer. I started using the cream and it runs about 710 now. I now have partial erections at night. No real shrinkage. I have the cialis but have not tried it. Still no partner. So it does help hasten the return. It also greatly improved my fatigue. I also have much more desire. My partner is fighting cancer herself.


Thank you @tuckerp this elusive information is very helpful. I so appreciate your response.


Thanks. I have been taking 5mg daily of Cialis for several tears. Also, using the vacuum pump. Have used Trimix penile injections to get erection.
I have read on a forum somewhere that after stopping Lupron/ADT when the Testosterone rises some men have seen reversal of the shrinkage, almost a second puberty.
I was told any of the sexual side effects either but I believe my doctors were doing what they had to do to try and save my life. Just a bad disease.

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I think doctors deliberately don’t disclose this information because they know many more men would not consent to treatment. I wouldn’t have had I known how damaging Lupron has been to my mental and sexual health.


Thanks "retireddoc" and "remington" for your comments and questions.
I have the same short shot problem confounded by needing to use both hands to aim plus activate my artificial sphincter. It seems bizarre that I've had to develop a technique to stand at a urinal to pee but 2-years of trial, error (yuck), and practice paid off. Now only have to open the fly and belt/button to scoot the pants loose to pee.
Still, the little guy is barely up to the task and vacuum treatments (though probably too half-hearted) didn't work.
I did hear that some guys simply pull it 'till it hurts'. Not appealing at all. And with a RALP shortened/damaged urethra and AUS cuff, making it hurt is not going to happen for me.
Any other ideas and/or techniques would be appreciated.
Till then, standing tall and very carefully - -


I too am very interested in reversal of my shrinkage. After RT and now 8 months of ADT my shrinkage is approximately 50% reduction in testicles and 2" in penis length. Was on Lupron for 7 months and recently switched to Orgovyx as it is to have a quicker recovery period when ADT ends. Side effects continue the same with more emotional sensitivity. Looking for ways to reverse shrinkage.
Going to start using pump as well as daily sildenafil with approval from new oncologist. My concern is this seems like a lot of work especially with low libido, fatigue and ED.
Any ideas guys?


I went to see a sexual health specialist immediately when I started treatment and was put on low-dose Viagra every day, plus a 100 mg challenge dose once a week. I was told to make myself have erections for at least 15 minutes three times a week while on ADT. I did this. My testicles still shrank but my penis didn't. Now that I've been off ADT for 3 1/2 months, my testicles are almost back to normal size. I was told to stay on low-dose Viagra for two full years after radiation ended to help mitigate the damage. So far, so good.

If you haven't been doing penile rehab, start ASAP. Viagra or Cialis, erections 3x a week. There's some controversy about whether the pump helps or not. My doctor said that it will cause an erection but it is just pulling unoxygenated blood into the penis so it's not really helping with rehab, but is helpful for sexual activity.


thanks scottbeameup: encouraging to know that after you stopped ADT, your testicle size returned. I should see a sexual health specialist as well. When I meet with my new oncologist, I will bring this up as well as his recommendation of sildenafil and pumping.


I too am very interested in reversal of my shrinkage. After RT and now 8 months of ADT my shrinkage is approximately 50% reduction in testicles and 2" in penis length. Was on Lupron for 7 months and recently switched to Orgovyx as it is to have a quicker recovery period when ADT ends. Side effects continue the same with more emotional sensitivity. Looking for ways to reverse shrinkage.
Going to start using pump as well as daily sildenafil with approval from new oncologist. My concern is this seems like a lot of work especially with low libido, fatigue and ED.
Any ideas guys?

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As for myself, I m over the hill and thru the woods to grandmas house I go. My fun times are in the past- age 76.

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