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Seeing a NETs specialist is the best way to ensure that you are on the right track, @jhhaas. NET specialists are few and far between. If there is not one in your immediate area, even a virtual consultation would be a good plan.

Mayo Clinic has NET specialists at all three of their locations. If you are interested in seeking a second opinion at Mayo, here is a link with information on obtaining an appointment, http://mayocl.in/1mtmR63.

If, for any reason, you cannot be seen at a Mayo location, here is list of NET specialists worldwide, https://www.carcinoid.org/for-patients/treatment/find-a-doctor/

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you post again with questions or updates?

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Replies to "Seeing a NETs specialist is the best way to ensure that you are on the right..."

Thank you, and yes, I will try to update. I am not near Mayo, but I am within reach of Philadelphia and New York, which is where I had my surgery at MSK. Looks like Penn Med and Temple have some NET specialists and I have gotten a few names. What I have heard is that some net specialists only see Gastro net cases. So I want to see if there is a Lung Net Specialist. But as long as they are net specialists, and they will see me, I will be happy to go. Thanks again. And honestly, Now that I know about nets, it has me wondering about some others in my family in the past that had various cancers and a lot of Gastro issues. It does make one wonder