Mrs. & Mr. @dbeshears1
Thx for your answers, Debbie & thx questions John @johnbishop
Having no feeling or little inside the body (diopathic)? Nerves & illness, also?
And having a better physical energy having good therapy are great!
Like you, I used Google-search that sound MAJO Clinic Connect website. I’m a little different usage of places like MAJO. I became a TBI person for my bicycle accident 12 years ago, but I added of my deep pain from my rear-ends to the bottom of my feet two years ago. That part of my rear-ends started when I feel down in my garage on the wood parts.
I still have a TBI, but how did my Dr. A. - he helped part of my body from my TBI accident - helped me 2 years ago? He cut part of my back (rear-end to my back) and moved from that nerve to the bone. After this, there is ZERO pain! But the rest of falling down, my strength is sorta gone on my right-side from my knee down. It’s kills my balance 2 years ago. So know, thankfully, I exercise by lifting, holding, walking part, stretching, 3 times a week.
There’s NO pain but working the other 50% by unbalance isn’t easy, but exercise, oh, exercise.
Greg D
PS: After my TBI accident would not swim again. Pert of the control of my brain is broken. It’s doesn’t allow my brain to control it, but after my back-surgery, I hope it’s there from my back surgery 🙂
@gregd1956 I am glad you are able to move and do some exercise. I think movement is what helps the rest of our body stays tuned up as well, and we want to take care of our total health. I hope you continue with as much physical therapy as you're able to, while staying pain-free!