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Post TORS when will I be able to eat?

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Jul 26, 2024 | Replies (11)

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Be sure to take your pain meds BEFORE you need them. They gave me Tylenol and oxycodone. (I was worried about that, but after talking to the pharmacist, he said it wasn't enough to get me hooked, so take it as needed. Just be proactive (take it before the pain really hits. Once it hits, it's too late. BTW, I looked up the 2 meds you are currently taking, and there was a warning of taking them together.

BTW, a few months after surgery and radiation, I was taking gabapentin (I think it was for nerve pain), and it messed with my head. My PCP advised me to stop it. (I think I only had 2 days remaining.) After stopping it, almost immediately, my brain began to feel normal again!

For the 1st 2 weeks, I had a feeding tube through my nose to my stomach. It was all I could do to get my nourishment this way, and I would be exhausted and sleep the rest of the day.

I also took lidocaine for my throat to numb it. Talk to your doctor and ask for help. Advocate for yourself. If something is not working well, tell them.

It will get better!

Be sure to get your nutrition! My brother in law with throat cancer had a feeding tube in stomach. After surgery, he lost 20 lbs during chemo and radiation. Then over the next 2 weeks, he lost 20 more! His body shut down, and he passed. Please take what they say about nutrition seriously!

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Replies to "Be sure to take your pain meds BEFORE you need them. They gave me Tylenol and..."

Thanks for all the info. I hope you are doing well!