There is local recurrence, a second primary cancer, and metastasis and I get confused on this thread about what we are discussing!
Since I had a double mastectomy I am primarily concerned with metastasis- cancer "spread," not cancer "return."
I asked my oncologist about Signatera and they only use it for those diagnosed with metastasis/stage 4. My oncologist basically discharged me at 5 years. They don't do any cancer markers. I know that risk continues to climb and I believe mine is around 10-12% at this point, maybe more.
I am not sure how we are supposed to catch metastasis. Other than imaging for something else. I agreed to an abdominal CT w/oral contrast. for a mere gas pain basically, despite my kidneys and sensitivity but oral vs IV contrast was, according to the report, "not sufficient" to see tumors. Lung CT had a nodule but that is common. Bones are painful all the time with 7 fractures, arthritis etc. I don't get it.
I'm with you. We basically have conversations without knowledge of age at diagnosis, time lapse between that diagnosis and active treatment and/or surgery, lifestyle issues (drinking, smoking, diet) and concurrent illnesses and/or second cancers, not to mention type and stage of bc when diagnosed. I am learning more and more that these factors play big with one's prognosis. I know that for me, I couldn't live my life fully and happily if I had to be constantly tested for cancer markers. There's enough anxiety attached to three month surveillance visits (which btw, I am grateful for).