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Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer | Last Active: Nov 16, 2023 | Replies (28)

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I have two sisters that had thyroid cancer, and I have a nodule on my thyroid that my doctor keeps tabs on every 6 months. One sister had the most common type of thyroid cancer (papabel?) and the other had the rarer kind (can't think of the name). Anyway, both got thyroids removed and took chemo pills. Both are now on thyroid pills and will be for the rest of their lives. Happily, both are doing great. I have an older sister that does not seem to have any thyroid problem. So three out of four girls have/had thyroid nodes - two of them cancerous and one so-far-so-good. I think we must have all been exposed to something when we were young to have this happen.

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Replies to "I have two sisters that had thyroid cancer, and I have a nodule on my thyroid..."

Have you considered genetics? My maternal Grandmother had a goiter, which she would not let the Dr remove.(1950s). It was cancerous, and grew until it killed her in 63. Her youngest daughter also had a goiter, had it removed with the thyroid gland. My sister had cold nodules in her thyroid. Radiation treatment took care of hers. When my thyroid got lumpy and a scan showed nodules, considering the family history, I had my thyroid removed. I've been on medication (I prefer Armour) since 1977. Mine and my aunts were encapsulated cancer. My mother is the only female that didn't have a thyroid issue. Hasn't seemed to affect any of the males.

Thx for your response

I had Graves Disease (hyper) and then had my thyroid removed to discover the cancer. I did have 4 nodules on my thyroid for about 4 or 5 years. I have a sister who has hypo thryroidism and one sister who has nodules on her thyroid. She doesn't seem to want to see a doctor regarding testing,

After removal of my thyroid, I had the iodine radiation retreatment. Which I though would not be the problem. Ever since then I have been so tired all the time. Has this happened to anyone else? I would like to hear from you.