tortuous colon plus rectal and sphincter disfunction

Posted by emstorm @emstorm, Jun 24, 2024

I am miserable. Doctor's say there is nothing they can do. Tortuous colon with two fixed folds, rectal & sphincter muscle impairment due to aggressive radiation. Massive adhesions following four abdominal surgeries including iliostomy due to bladder removal. Extreme anxiety due to constant pressure and false BM urgency signals. I take 75g zoloft, eat low fodmap, exercise daily. still miserable. Any ideas?

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My physical therapist recommended it but doctor said no. Didn't say why. He said I should have electrodes (that I rent) attached in 'that area' for daily muscle exercise. I did that for a while and didn't seem to have a problem with hitting the marks with little effort so that therapy was discontinued. Have not been back to PT since. I will google it and see if I can just do the exercises without guidance from physical therapist.

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I would check Mayo. I went through the colorectal department in Rochester. I bypassed gastroenterology because I had already had every kind of test already done. My surgeon said I had alot of issues with my GI system ... redundant colon, rectal prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, colonic inertia. This was my second opinion. I have been through PFT therapy many times with different therapists. She told me PFT would not help me, and it hasn't. Ileostomy was what she said. She referred me to a study (at Mayo Rochester) in her department. Waiting for my Zoom meeting with surgeon to see if I qualify. If that doesnt work then I will go back to her for surgery. I live in Florida, but Rochester is #1 for GI surgery in the country. Honestly, I am afraid of getting an ileostomy because of all of negative feedback from people who have had that surgery done. The nice about Mayo is that the different departments can work together which might be helpful for you. The GI department is one of the busiest, so it does take longer for an appointment. If you have had all of the GI tests already done, you would tell the receptionist and send copies of your records. I think I waited 3 months for a colrectal appointment. After I sent my records in, I asked my internal doctor to send a referal to add to my chart. They are very efficient with records.


Thank you for your comments. Lots of good info for me to check out. Kaiser will not accept me because I have Kaiser insurance. They will not accept self 0ay either. I wish you all the best with your journey. Never give up hope!!!

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