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How long do side effects last? - 1 1/2 year survivor

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Nov 16, 2022 | Replies (23)

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God bless you. You are so strong and I love your attitude. My doctors all told that attitude is 90% of how you and whatever treatment you hare having. Keep going 🙂

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Replies to "God bless you. You are so strong and I love your attitude. My doctors all told..."

Happy Saturday survivor 1, the sun is shining and its going to be a beautiful day and your doctor is right, attitude is 90 % of everything in our lives. It won't help to feel down and beaten, this morning, my doggies and I went for a short walk, it made all of us feel better and the fresh air is the breath of life. Try to join a chat group in your area where you have something in common with the people to discuss life in general ( keep your private moments to yourself ) I am joining a group called Livestrong, my cancer navigator has enrolled me, so I am looking forward to that, will let you know how that goes. Stay strong, my friend, I am here if you need me. Lacey

Happy Saturday to you too. Yes the sun is shinning here and it is actually cool outside here today a nice break from the 100 degree weather we have been having. I like to sit on my front porch and watch the birds and listen to nature as the earth wakes up to say good morning. Livestrong is fantastic. I get their news letters. I will look into that as there is no local group. I live is a small town that does not have much to offer. I am forced to go on line to look for support. You have been terrific. I am here for you as well.

Hi Survivor 1, its been a long time since I have been on here, but in the mean time, I did join the Livestrong program, it is held at every YMCA around the country, so see where the closest Y is by you and sign up. I love it, it gets you back socializing and exercising and out of the house, plus its FREE.
Everyone in the group ( around 15) including some guys had some kind of cancer and we can discuss the pros and cons. You find out , your in better shape than others, makes life a bit easier to take, your always worried that it may come back, but there are people out there , clean for 20 years etc. I am feeling better, not so tired, eating better and don't forget that morning protein drink, my favorite is butter pecan Ensure Have a great day, God Bless, Lacey

Hey Lacey by the way my nae is Suzi I am so glad to hear from you. I eel a connection even though it is through cyber space. LOL I am so gad that you enjoyed them program I am definitely going to look into it I feel better as well. I live in the county and am taking time to meditate and find my new normal. I m learning that I have to get my mind right first and the physical will come. I stay busy. The weather is cooler now but my sensitivity to the heat is awful I sweat at the drop of the hat. I have begun to start a routine of getting in bed early around 10 and get up at 8 every morning. I drink coffee and put on some morning soft music and sit on my front porch and watch the birds and just enjoy the moment. I am earning to live in the moment and enjoying the day and the second chance at life that God has given me. I hope that you are doing well. Please stay in touch