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ANA positive result/rare patterns

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jul 17, 2024 | Replies (15)

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I can totally relate to your story, as I am going through a very similar situation. I am a retired RN and just now trying to put all of the pieces together. I have a positive ANA and my rheumatologist was treating me as though I had an autoimmune disorder. I was negative for Lupus, Sjogren’s, RA. I am hypermobile and my neck, spine, and shoulders were starting to get worse. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis at a young age and now I’m starting to have heart issues.
I started doing my own research. My cardiologist and I agree I have hEhler’s-Danlos Syndrome (a genetic disorder). My PCP and rheumatologist finally are starting to realize that this is my problem and I’m scheduled for an appointment with a geneticist in January to test for the subtypes (my 3 children all have issues, as well).
I was an RN for 39 years and now I can’t even cook a meal without feeling exhausted.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a “rare”, “not-so-rare” condition. Many healthcare professionals are uneducated on this disorder and we are often dismissed as patients. I have had red-flags since birth and I’m only now learning more about this condition.
I feel your pain and frustration. You really need to educate yourself and advocate for yourself. After all of these years, mine are finally listening to me! Don’t give up! Good luck and I pray you find out what is going on with you.

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Replies to "I can totally relate to your story, as I am going through a very similar situation...."

Thankyou for this info...... i might take this to my gp here in Australia... I have all of the same things going on.. My GP is wonderful and over many years has said we can keep spending money on chasing a Title but even then all we will do in the end is treat the symptoms. So sorry you are going through this but makes me feel better I am not the only person with so many symptoms and ANA positive with
HLA-b27 which i was told was the Gene test .. my grandma died of complications of Lupus and a infection.

My first cousin had to have heart surgery b/c of EDanlos - I had “growing pains” as a kid after a physically busy day but no body else had growing pains. I’ve had the gastro issues, spine issues, heart issues and I can still be hyper flexible. However I’ve read there is no cure?
So what’s the point of getting more tears? And are you seeing someone at Mayo in Jacksonville or Rochester? At least please keep us informed as to what the new recommended treatment is b/c my daughter also has it & was diagnosed years before !
Thank you