Spinal cord stimulator removal anyone?

Posted by jaxonsgigi @jaxonsgigi, Jul 10, 2024

CRPS, fibromyalgia, and Small Fiber Neuropathy sufferer. Had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in my 2nd, 3rd and 4th vertebrae and unfortunately I was unable to ever use it, it made my CRPS much worse. I’m scheduled for removal surgery but would love to talk to someone who has gone through the same. I’m told this is a really tough situation because of the placement being in my upper neck. And y th hey took a lot of bone when putting it in and on top of that I have osteoporosis. I’m getting really nervous and the reason besides not being usable is I need to get MRI done and you can’t have any imaging like that when you have a SCS. Anyone gone through a removal?

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Hello @jaxonsgigi, welcome to Connect. Glad you came to inquire. You'll find a supportive community here.

Member @heisenberg34 mentioned having an SCS removed. Basically the same reasons - it's not working and they needed to have an MRI . Here is their comment:
I'm sorry the stimulator didn't bring relief and is stirring up symptoms. It's understandable that you'd be nervous given the location. When are you scheduled for the removal?


The. Abbott spinal cord stim is MRI able with the proper configuration. Just had mine removed . Surgery was botched by a pain doctor. Same guy who installed it too shallow resulting in a pressure wound. Never worked anyway.. To get it removed I would find a real surgeon preferably a neurosurgeon to do it correctly in a hospital with the proper surgery equipment. I wish I had followed that advice I just gave you. The estheoligist sp. blew it in a “Surgury center”. He left some wires and it got infected. Now I’m in the hospital where I should have started


Hello @jaxonsgigi, welcome to Connect. Glad you came to inquire. You'll find a supportive community here.

Member @heisenberg34 mentioned having an SCS removed. Basically the same reasons - it's not working and they needed to have an MRI . Here is their comment:
I'm sorry the stimulator didn't bring relief and is stirring up symptoms. It's understandable that you'd be nervous given the location. When are you scheduled for the removal?

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I’m scheduled for the 26th of this month!


I’m scheduled for the 26th of this month!

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The neurosurgeon stated that they took a lot more bone then thought and I might have an issue as I get older with my head sticking out like a chicken because there is no support. Plus I have osteoporosis which I’m not sure if that will cause additional issues. I just want to make sure that I’m doing the right thing. I need mri imaging and my stimulator you cannot get one.


Mine is a nuvectra, the comps is bankrupt


The. Abbott spinal cord stim is MRI able with the proper configuration. Just had mine removed . Surgery was botched by a pain doctor. Same guy who installed it too shallow resulting in a pressure wound. Never worked anyway.. To get it removed I would find a real surgeon preferably a neurosurgeon to do it correctly in a hospital with the proper surgery equipment. I wish I had followed that advice I just gave you. The estheoligist sp. blew it in a “Surgury center”. He left some wires and it got infected. Now I’m in the hospital where I should have started

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I am having mine removed from a neurosurgeon. It’s really up high I have a picture of when they put it in I will post. It’s literally in the top of my neck cresting a vertebrae to bulge out below the implant.


Hello @jaxonsgigi, welcome to Connect. Glad you came to inquire. You'll find a supportive community here.

Member @heisenberg34 mentioned having an SCS removed. Basically the same reasons - it's not working and they needed to have an MRI . Here is their comment:
I'm sorry the stimulator didn't bring relief and is stirring up symptoms. It's understandable that you'd be nervous given the location. When are you scheduled for the removal?

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I was going to post a picture of the implant site but I can’t find a way to post a pic.
Thank you for the response


I was going to post a picture of the implant site but I can’t find a way to post a pic.
Thank you for the response

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There's a brief waiting period for all new members before being allowed to add attachments such as links or photos. The way you describe the location gives a pretty good idea. Sounds like a challenging spot. I'm glad to hear you'll have a neurosurgeon removing the implant.

May I ask what your future MRI will be searching for? You mention a few existing chronic issues. Are you having new concerns or different pains?

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