Does anyone have chronic constipation?

Posted by anna17X0X @anna17xox, Apr 11, 2024

I don't know what's going on with my digestion ,I have been chronically constipated since December so it's been 4 months. I am always gassy and the smell has been very foul so I've been scared and embarrassed to be around people lately because of how bad it smells, when I've tried to poop only gas comes out most of the time, sometimes my stomach feels stiff and I start to feel lethargic. And I've tried almost everything digestive drinks like meta Mucil, eating more fiber i live an active lifestyle and I drink plenty of fluids and water. I recently had an appointment with my pediatrician about this she made me do colon cleansing for a day . And take Miralax for a minimum of 3 weeks. My stools were watery during the cleansing but after a couple days it feels like my stool is going back to being hard and stubborn. I still don't poop completely sometimes and I'm still gassy but it's not smelly like it was before. She said I can stop taking Miralax when i feel like my stools are going back to normal after a few days or weeks and it's been a week or two and a few days. I know I still need to wait one more week but my follow-up appointment is next Wednesday. The Miralax seems like a temporary fix, I feel like it'' never go away the worst part is I cant figure out what the cause is. I don't think it's IBS because I heard IBS involves bloody stools and stomach cramps I don't have bloody stools and I don't think I get stomach cramps . It just feels like have some other serious digestive problem or something I don't really know. I don't want to be constipated for the rest of my life I feel miserable, my pediatrician said if the Miralax doesn't work as intended I may have to see a gastroenterologists.

Has anyone or is anyone dealing with chronic constipation ?,does it or did it ever go away ? and has anyone been experiencing the same symptoms as me ?.Do you have any recommendations on how they treat their constipation ?

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I have been dealing with chronic constipation since childhood- unfortunately, for me it never was resolved with fiber supplements or meds. My symptoms are similar to yours- to the point where I stopped going out to dine with groups of friends because I would have to leave the table due to the amount of gas. I was even in the drug trial for Linzess, which worked while taking but didn’t have any lasting effects when you stopped. My go to solution is Australian black licorice- works within a day to relieve the constipation- but again, only a temporary fix. I have done the whole route with gastrointestinal doctor and they just want to give meds- so I prefer the licorice to that. Best of luck, hope your issue resolves.

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Australian black licorice, like the candy?? Or is this an herb? Sounds very interesting as I struggle with the same thing as everyone else in this group. I have tried all of the over-the-counter products and they are all just a temporary fix. When I’m at my wits end, I finally take a laxative or a combination of a stool softener and Metamucil. I’ll spend one day in misery, one day feeling OK and then right back to where I was. I’m interested in the licorice idea.


Yes. IBSC. NO FUN. . try eating dried prunes and or dried fruits throughout the day and stay hydrated!!


Yes. IBSC. NO FUN. . try eating dried prunes and or dried fruits throughout the day and stay hydrated!!

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I've tried all the scripts-useless for me. Prunes by the pound, kiwis too, but fear their seeds will add to the chances of diverticulitis and small bowel partial obstructions. Been fighting it for 17 years, and it is at its worst now. I eat little solid foods and drink lots and lots and I have a meal replacement shake that my daughter did all the research and now she sells it. So at least I get some nutrition in. I use miralax 3 capfuls 1-2x a day and have found that Metamucil gummies help me better than the powder. I use 3-5. My big hope is that my Hyperparathyroidism and elevated calcium levels are definitely a huge factor. I am having the surgery to remove 3 1/2 of the 4 glands. This probably has been at least part of the problem for 8 years. But my doctors really didn't follow through with my levels. Once I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008, they were arrogant enough to not keep me being tested for PTH, calcium and vitamin D. My smooth muscles, needed for a good poop, have severely limited, since elevated calcium reduces smooth muscle receptors. I have to keep my body in super loose to diarrhea, so the poop explodes out, cuz my muscles don't push anymore.


I've tried all the scripts-useless for me. Prunes by the pound, kiwis too, but fear their seeds will add to the chances of diverticulitis and small bowel partial obstructions. Been fighting it for 17 years, and it is at its worst now. I eat little solid foods and drink lots and lots and I have a meal replacement shake that my daughter did all the research and now she sells it. So at least I get some nutrition in. I use miralax 3 capfuls 1-2x a day and have found that Metamucil gummies help me better than the powder. I use 3-5. My big hope is that my Hyperparathyroidism and elevated calcium levels are definitely a huge factor. I am having the surgery to remove 3 1/2 of the 4 glands. This probably has been at least part of the problem for 8 years. But my doctors really didn't follow through with my levels. Once I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2008, they were arrogant enough to not keep me being tested for PTH, calcium and vitamin D. My smooth muscles, needed for a good poop, have severely limited, since elevated calcium reduces smooth muscle receptors. I have to keep my body in super loose to diarrhea, so the poop explodes out, cuz my muscles don't push anymore.

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Hi, My stomach muscles don’t work. I am now on Domperidone 10 mg to move my stomach muscles. Costs about $115 for 300 pills -I take 30 minutes before meals. I order from discount meds direct-comes from Canada or New Zealand. You need to have doctor fax prescription to fax-1-800-815-0062. Phone -(941) 421-7155. It helps with my Gastroparesis and constipation. Cathy


I don’t think fiber is your friend. While reading your question, I felt l could relate with every problem. I have had chronic constipation for over 5 years now. Try one tablespoon of mineral oil a day. Too much? Then every other day. Space out the days.. find out what works best for you. Don’t take the mineral oil within 3 hours of meds or food, it will effect how much gets absorbed.


I don’t think fiber is your friend. While reading your question, I felt l could relate with every problem. I have had chronic constipation for over 5 years now. Try one tablespoon of mineral oil a day. Too much? Then every other day. Space out the days.. find out what works best for you. Don’t take the mineral oil within 3 hours of meds or food, it will effect how much gets absorbed.

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Mineral oil? Does it really work? My CIC is so flipping idiotic, I have no faith in any treatment anymore. What is the best time of day to take it? Does it taste awful? How fast does it kick in? Thanx, Shelley


A sibling’s friend had chronic constipation & their doctor told them to take “greens” everyday. They bite the bullet & just take green vegetables every morning to get it over with. They found this works. I am sorry I don’t know what green vegetables they use, just experiment.


Based on what I have read over the last couple of years about chronic constipation, I’ve come to believe that there are many causes and multiple remedies. The effectiveness of the remedy, depends on the cause. For a long while, I suspected that my sudden constipation was not a matter of inadequate water, fiber or exercise. It was more complex than that. Eventually, the most likely culprit would be discovered. Pending the discovery, I was able to get relief with a daily dose of Miralax, though to me that isn’t an ideal regimen. But, treating the symptoms is sometimes the best we can do.


I agree! Find a GOOD Gastroenterologist!
I am working with Mayo GI in Jax.
MRI showed a large stool load in the ascending and transverse colon.
Colinoscopy showed patchy active colitis, my GI wants another look with a Sigmoidoscopy to confirm the colitis.
Also schedule for a manometry to see if pelvic floor dysfunction is part of the problem.
When I cant stimulate a BM with all if the concoctions: Mira lax, Metamucil, colace with senna I go to a half bottle if mag citrate… magic!
Also very helpful is the squatty potty which gets your body into the correct anatomical position to evacuate the bowel.😅
Definitely a GI will get to the bottom.
I have adrenal insufficiency ( liw cortisol) and that has a huge impact on bowel function!
A work in progress…


I agree! Find a GOOD Gastroenterologist!
I am working with Mayo GI in Jax.
MRI showed a large stool load in the ascending and transverse colon.
Colinoscopy showed patchy active colitis, my GI wants another look with a Sigmoidoscopy to confirm the colitis.
Also schedule for a manometry to see if pelvic floor dysfunction is part of the problem.
When I cant stimulate a BM with all if the concoctions: Mira lax, Metamucil, colace with senna I go to a half bottle if mag citrate… magic!
Also very helpful is the squatty potty which gets your body into the correct anatomical position to evacuate the bowel.😅
Definitely a GI will get to the bottom.
I have adrenal insufficiency ( liw cortisol) and that has a huge impact on bowel function!
A work in progress…

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Disclaimer: This is only my experience going natural. I have used organic, integrative, functional, holistic Naturopathic doctor's advice along with my MD’s since the early 1980's. There is science in alternatives too. Because I work closely with my ND, he told me to study the Migrating Motor Complex and Osmotic Gradient and he bet that I would find what worked for me.

I have tried laxatives and they are not consistent and have side effects like bloating, etc. And all say for occasional use. They disrupt the system if take continuously. I liked a response from a co-redundant colon (like me) person: “It’s physical” so regular constipation suggestions may not work.
Last Dec the doc had me do non sedated colonoscopy. He could get through my colon as I watched on TV. I had had a baby years ago (natural and could stand pain) so figured I could stand it – it was no big deal. Most people in world don't get put out. Very interesting and it helped allow the scope to get through because I relaxed. No wonder I had been constipation on and off starting in my teens. I’m now in my early 70’s.
OptiMag and K2+ Potassium are great supps. I often take them when I go to bed and once if I get up to pee. Be sure to include prunes, winter squash, sweet potatoes, rhubarb etc in your diet. I like to grind 2T chia, T of sesame seeds and 2 T flax seeds, then soak in prune juice overnight. Take half in the morning and half at night. Throw sugar out, processed and refined foods and drink lot of water starting with a quart of hot water in the morning - boy scouts. Coffee and Smooth Move are my back ups. I don't like coffee and never have drunk it much but it usually works for me in a pinch. Thankfully I only need coffee a few times a month.

Good luck, I so much appreciate my regularity even though my output is way bigger now. I feel much better and am able to relax and not worry about regularity. Like my ND said however, it is a condition I need to attend to.

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