Useful items and links for people with fractures

Posted by isabelle7 @isabelle7, Jul 3, 2024

I wanted to start a thread for people to share things they've used that helped them through fractures caused by osteoporosis.

People have responded to another post that the following have been helpful to them. I thought it might be good to have one place where people can easily find this info.

1. Video "Brick House Bones" - safe exercises for osteoporosis

2. Tai Chi and Yoga

3. Margaret Martin - class on movements with fractures (cost $89) and she has a book and videos online

4. Long-handled grabbers in different rooms

5. Garden kneelers - I ordered this one and will report back of my husband (who has 3 fractures and can't bend) finds it useful:

I look forward to seeing what others have used that have worked to make their lives easier.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


In my husband's case, kneeling is also out so it's tough for him. He's not a good squatter either. So in our case I empty the lower rack and he empties the upper. It works for us. If he were alone he's have to probably wash them by hand. LOL



In my husband's case, kneeling is also out so it's tough for him. He's not a good squatter either. So in our case I empty the lower rack and he empties the upper. It works for us. If he were alone he's have to probably wash them by hand. LOL

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@isabelle7 I live alone so I don't have a nice spouse around to help- your husband is lucky to have you! My knees are okay thank heavens and my legs are strong from doing all the work my back used to do.

I think those of us with fractures really need to be careful. People with mild or maybe even moderate osteoporosis (depending on FRAX) can probably bend, lift etc. much more than we can.


I discovered chair yoga, and love it! It's basically an all over muscle building routine with a concentration on my core strength. I am trying to keep my posture as long as possible.


I discovered chair yoga, and love it! It's basically an all over muscle building routine with a concentration on my core strength. I am trying to keep my posture as long as possible.

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Would you mind sharing which chair yoga program you’re using. I’ve looked at some and am considering trying it.


@isabelle7 I live alone so I don't have a nice spouse around to help- your husband is lucky to have you! My knees are okay thank heavens and my legs are strong from doing all the work my back used to do.

I think those of us with fractures really need to be careful. People with mild or maybe even moderate osteoporosis (depending on FRAX) can probably bend, lift etc. much more than we can.

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I can’t imagine my husband doing this on his own. I’m so sorry you don’t have someone there to help you.

I think you’re right that some people don’t have it as bad and won’t have as many limitations.

I’m glad your legs are strong. That’s got to be helpful. My husband hasn’t squatted well for some time. He doesn’t have great knees and has to be careful.

Mine are too from working with young children. I do a lot of squatting and lifting. And more since my husband developed osteoporosis.


My husband has osteoporosis and it's severe with 3 recent fractures. He can't bend at all right now. Our shower tends to hold water on the floor. We use a squeegee to clean it up but he can't bend down so has been needing me to do it for him. He doesn't like asking me to do everything so I set out to find a long-handle squeegee and found this. Thought someone else might find it useful. I also saw people commenting about some other long-handled squeegees that they use instead of brooms. Not sure if anyone here might find that useful. They swear by them.


Hello again @isabelle7!
Yes, PT and OT can teach and instruct on many proper techniques. Here are two others that have helped me:

1. Dishwasher: Move everything to the top. My flatware holder could be lifted out & moved to the top. I understand there are dishwashers made that are top loading only but was not able to buy a new dishwasher!! So while I was recuperating I only used the top of my dishwasher. Large plates were an issue as they did not fit on the top. I had a stockpile of paper plates from various parties throughout many years and used all of them up. You will need to run your dishwasher more frequently. Another option is to wash some dishes by hand if you can avoid bending.

2. Bed making: I did make a significant investment & got an adjustable bed frame. The head & foot of the bed can be lifted to put on the fitted sheets. For the top sheet when the foot is lifted you can tuck & fit the sheet so you will not need to bend. Maybe won't be perfect;)

God Bless us all! Enjoy the beautiful day.


Hello again @isabelle7!
Yes, PT and OT can teach and instruct on many proper techniques. Here are two others that have helped me:

1. Dishwasher: Move everything to the top. My flatware holder could be lifted out & moved to the top. I understand there are dishwashers made that are top loading only but was not able to buy a new dishwasher!! So while I was recuperating I only used the top of my dishwasher. Large plates were an issue as they did not fit on the top. I had a stockpile of paper plates from various parties throughout many years and used all of them up. You will need to run your dishwasher more frequently. Another option is to wash some dishes by hand if you can avoid bending.

2. Bed making: I did make a significant investment & got an adjustable bed frame. The head & foot of the bed can be lifted to put on the fitted sheets. For the top sheet when the foot is lifted you can tuck & fit the sheet so you will not need to bend. Maybe won't be perfect;)

God Bless us all! Enjoy the beautiful day.

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I don't have a dishwasher- that's one solution!

I don't tuck sheets in at all 🙂

Split weight up after shopping. I have even put a seltzer bottle in my coat pocket. Get two bags. For a pack of water bottles or juice cans, carry just a few at a time.

These are NOT for osteopenia or mild osteoporosis!


I don't have a dishwasher- that's one solution!

I don't tuck sheets in at all 🙂

Split weight up after shopping. I have even put a seltzer bottle in my coat pocket. Get two bags. For a pack of water bottles or juice cans, carry just a few at a time.

These are NOT for osteopenia or mild osteoporosis!

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No dishwasher would be a good solution if it were just the two of us. But we have up to 9 kids here so I’d be lost without mine. I make and feed them breakfast, lunch and snacks. Lol

Tucking sheets are hard so that’s a good suggestion.

My Lord the things people with severe osteoporosis need to do just to avoid fractures.



Would you mind sharing which chair yoga program you’re using. I’ve looked at some and am considering trying it.

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Good morning. I wanted to tailor my routine just for me, so I did a Google search, and found photos with directions of 5 chair yoga exercises to start. The website is I tried to find the exact link for you, but was unable to find it. I am just starting to explore this site. It looks to be a great site to learn about both exercise and nutrition. So I'm excited to explore it a bit more. I'm pretty thin(my bustline is 33"), so for me, I am trying to improve my posture and also gain some muscle mass and strength in hopes of also gaining some bone mass. I also do some light weight exercises for my upper body. I'm so sorry I can't be more precise about my routine. I hope this helps.

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