Damage from Iovera Nerve block prior to TKR

Posted by kathi65 @kathi65, Nov 8, 2022

I had right TKR 18 weeks ago. Prior to surgery I had lower leg neuropathy and a neurologist could not determine why after testing (you're part of the 20% of the population that gets it for an unknown reason she said). My surgeon recommended the Iovera nerve block prior to surgery because it would help with pain after the surgery. He said that the nerve block would last for about 3 months. I had no problem when the injection was done, minimal bruising and my leg was numb. It's now been more than 3 months later and I still have numbness going all the way down the inside of my thigh to my knee and when I touched the skin it feels like someone's taking a razor blade and slicing my skin open. I'm also having problems when I bend my leg in certain ways or touch my leg in certain spots I start get sharp nerve pains down on my lower leg. I don't know if this is from the Iovera injection or not. And I have a feeling nobody's really going to tell me. Has this happened to anybody else? I already had a chronic pain condition before surgery and if I had known that I would feel the way I do now I don't think I would have had my knee replaced!

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I'm six months post op and I would NEVER recommend Iovera to anyone. Still having pain and swelling making it difficult to walk, sleep and any daily activities

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I had a severe allergic reaction to the treatment and one year later still experiencing pain.


18 months after Iovera and TKR…. Numbness, vice like constriction all around knee, pins and needles up and down leg, pain with repetitive movement.
Are there statistics and are there recommendations for nerve repair ?

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I am 12 months post with very similar complications.


I have the procedure scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm trying to put these comments in perspective. I am aware that negative side effects can occur with anything, and this thread is dedicated to "damage from Iovera", but I'm wondering if any of the patients with these extreme adverse effects had any pre-existing conditions that made them more susceptible to complications. If any of the prior posters read this, can you share a bit more about your condition going into the Iovera procedure?
It is depressing to read how dismissive the doctors were in some cases.

I hope that everyone experiencing discomfort gets relief soon!


I just received IOVERA two weeks ago, so I can't tell you much yet. After I have surgery and see what happens, I will definitely respond to this board.

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Hi there! Can you tell me how the surgery went and how Iovera worked for you? Thanks!


I have the procedure scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm trying to put these comments in perspective. I am aware that negative side effects can occur with anything, and this thread is dedicated to "damage from Iovera", but I'm wondering if any of the patients with these extreme adverse effects had any pre-existing conditions that made them more susceptible to complications. If any of the prior posters read this, can you share a bit more about your condition going into the Iovera procedure?
It is depressing to read how dismissive the doctors were in some cases.

I hope that everyone experiencing discomfort gets relief soon!

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Please let us know how you do with the injection! Mine isn't scheduled until September, when I have my TKR. Thanks!


Hello, I just want to mention that I had the Iovera treatment and I commented about my experience above. I want you to know that as of today, May 2024, I have no more side effects. My right outer thigh was numb for about eight months and it did wear off. So if anyone is worried about the numbness, it does wear off in time.


hi I am very interested in this topic as I'm scheduled for a TKR and also have problems with opioids and thought the Iovera would be the answer to my prayers.
My doctor never mentioned it, which is concerning... but two friends who had TKRs had it and claim they only need one day of pain meds after their surgery.
For one of them this was their second TKR and she said the difference was amazing. The other friend is a nurse and it was her surgeon's first time using the treatment (he administered it himself!) and she was very pleased with it.

If you have an immediate increase in your pain after the Iovera, it's easy to assume it's from the Iovera, but unless you've had TKR before, it would be very hard to say if the Iovera caused more pain or issues after the surgery- because you just had major surgery that is followed by all sorts of pains, from what I've heard.
Also any nerve damage... the surgeon could have done that, not the Iovera. Many of my friends have nerve regeneration pains (electricity like zaps) after their TKRs and they did not have Iovera.
I have these zaps myself from spinal stenosis- it runs down the outside of my right knee. I also have some numbness that I assume is also from the spinal stenosis. The nerves had pressure on them that was relieved by doing PT and also by losing some weight! and when those nerves came "back online'" so to speak, the zingers and zaps increased and then went away.
I am left with some residual numbness that I'm fine with, as it's my right knee that is in desperate need of replacing.
I just wanted to pop in and say that maybe your long term issues are in fact from the surgery itself and not the Iovera
That said, I don't know if I'll be getting it or not, as I was just told I may have Raynauds syndrome and it is not recommended for folks who have known issues with cold!
I am seeing a Dr next week to try to sort this out.

good luck to you all!


I wish I researched IOVERA like I normally do everything else
I had it done last Friday and wish I never did it
Besides the pain of having it done the PA hit something and I have such swelling and black
and blue and now spider veins appeared ...I feel as if my whole leg is in an activated electrical outlet and a
huge hematoma

I was scheduled for knee replacement on July 17 but I am cancelling it ....this is enough for me...

My advise is to stay far away from it ...


Hello, I just want to mention that I had the Iovera treatment and I commented about my experience above. I want you to know that as of today, May 2024, I have no more side effects. My right outer thigh was numb for about eight months and it did wear off. So if anyone is worried about the numbness, it does wear off in time.

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Skin numbness on and around the knee does seem to be pretty common after a TKR. I experienced it with both of my TKRs, and it did just go away after 6 months or so, certainly by 1 year.

To get into the knee capsule, the surgeon has to make a slight cut into the quadriceps just above the patella. this allows the surgeon to then move the patella to the side to get access to the knee.

I'm pretty sure some nerves are damaged during this process. I think the numbness is due to this. I'm actually a little surprised that the numbness goes away. As far as I know, nerves can't regenerate. In my case, the numbness was not a big problem and I rarely noticed it.


I wish I researched IOVERA like I normally do everything else
I had it done last Friday and wish I never did it
Besides the pain of having it done the PA hit something and I have such swelling and black
and blue and now spider veins appeared ...I feel as if my whole leg is in an activated electrical outlet and a
huge hematoma

I was scheduled for knee replacement on July 17 but I am cancelling it ....this is enough for me...

My advise is to stay far away from it ...

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I am actually having Iovera 12 days before surgery...I researched it a lot on websites, etc. I also sought out an orthopedic surgeon near me who has done tons of TKR's and a lot of the Iovera injections..I think I would have been a tad afraid to have a PA do it since only the surgeons know the knee, inside and out..etc. BUT I can, obviously, tell you more after the injection in late August! I'm sorry for your pain! I am more afraid of the recovery since they only give a nerve block that lasts 8 or less hours and the surgery is so brutal..Again, so sorry about your experience!

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