
Posted by foxj @foxj, Jul 1, 2024

I am currently being treated for my 3rd episode of diverticulitis, only 8 months from my last episode.
Someone told me that he was plagued with it too but was told to try odorless garlic soft gels every day. He said it has really worked for him. Has anyone else had success with this?

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Odorless garlic, this is a new one. I would check out what it could do for diverticulitis.


I would check in with gastroenterologist on odorless garlic recommendation. I only wish it were that simple!


The episodes will keep happening no matter what. (Sad to say)
Will not matter what you eliminate or add to your diet.
You should check with your doctor.

For me it had gotten to the point where I finally decided to have surgery to remove that part of the colon.


How often did you have episodes before surgery? I assume you’ve had no symptoms since surgery?


How often did you have episodes before surgery? I assume you’ve had no symptoms since surgery?

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Last year I had 4 episodes. They lasted for weeks. I was on so many antibodies and anti-inflammatory meds. I decided after counsel with my family Dr, gastroenterologist and colon rectal surgeon.
I stayed on low residue diet and anti-inflammatory from Nov to Mar this year.
Had the robotic surgery in Mar. It ended up that they had to stop and cut from belly button down because how bad it was. They had to call in a urologist to make sure that was ok.
They said 4-10 days in hospital. But, was out in 2. It was long recovery but not bad. Did not need pain meds. I have not had any episodes since surgery. I still will have anxiety of eating. I keep adding things I am scared of. And no issues. No IBS, no running to the loo and no meds!


Thanks for that information. I’m not to that point quite yet, but after two diverticulitis outbreaks in the last 8 months, I’m afraid I could be headed that way.
Thanks for the information. I’m glad the surgery was successful and that you continue to feel better.


Yes, my biggest fear after ER visit was emergency surgery.
I was lucky it was abscess instead of rupture. It gave me the time to heal and being on the med's helped me stay in shape for surgery.
There really is no cure or diet you can stay on without getting proper nutrition.
Good luck.

PS - if you feel you are getting another episode. DO NOT eat for 2-3 days and drink a lot and take Advil and Tylenol at separate times Fasting is the best to heal quicker.


Yes, my doctor told me the same thing. Thanks.


I’ve had bouts with inflammatory bowel disease, and just never know when it will happen again. However, I also suffer from constipation. Just don’t know what’s going on.


Hi all!

I was diagnosed with acute, uncomplicated diverticulitis on 6/23/24. Had lower left abdomen pain, nausea, etc. Took Cipro and Flagyl for 10 days. I feel generally better, but during the course of antibiotics, I began to have pain on my right upper abdomen. I mentioned it to my GI doc but he is a 15 min get them in and out kinda guy. He said you feel fine. Well, what he feels externally and what I feel internally don’t match. Needless to say, he was no help and I’m getting a new GI. In recovery, I wasn’t given a lot of instructions so I stayed in bed and kept my diet light. It is tender to touch my mid upper abdomen and gets worse when I eat. I’m not sure if I stressed a muscle laying in bed in the same position for a week, if it’s colon inflammation, my gall bladder or pancreas. I really don’t want to suffer through emergency again. I feel fine in all other areas. Has anyone else suffered this??? Because they said carbs and low fiber while recovering, I wonder if those higher anti-inflammatory foods made the transverse colon inflamed. Lots of guesses on my end. Anyone???

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