Second concussion and high pain levels
I had a concussion in 2020. I experienced another one in 2022. I noticed my pain levels basically doubled after my second concussion. Has anyone experienced this? If you’ve experienced this have you found any answers why this may be?
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia at Mayo Clinic in 2021 and my pain levels have been a rollercoaster since.
Thank you!
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Thx @kayabbott
I was zero when my TBI started like every women name was “mom” (my wife knew everything). As time went my “coming” life came back, but I’ve lost the 80% of my life/brain of what I could do. The other 20% is my amity of helping my self, my wife, and a few others.
A cording I’ve read dementia (what I’m, I think, #10 of with type of this deceive (sp?) if I get it. My mom had this, my aunt was the same, and my alive aunt has part of that.
My memory was gone, but, this is cool, my daughter, wife sometimes tell me of what I did like names, times, doing something. The other 50% I’ve never known that.
As far of puzzles, I didn’t use those even as a kid. Sure my memory would be there. Usually I uses cards, some for money as a kid - some lost, some won. As a kid I uses and loved chess, sorta like cards, some with money as a kid.
Greg D.
I don't find that joke funny. I wish it upon them and see if they laugh. What comes flying out of my mouth is too honest for some people and I still don't give a poop. Sometimes when I go to write the letter B, the number 8 comes out and vice versa. I am 58 and from my TBI I have epilepsy and a vision impairment. I also have thyroid problem and a heart attack last summer. My family all died early from cancer. I think I will (hopefully) die in my sleep from epilepsy. The Canadian government gives me $300/month after rent is paid. I was homeless on the street and then found a room-mate and now can rent a bedroom in a house. I don't even have money for the bus. To the Canadian government I say a huge F U. I am not scared of death because this life for me has been only about survival. The only thing that I will miss are dogs.
@crawford, I agree. Joking comments about like the ones that @kayabbott experienced when she went back to work are cruel. They show that people don't understand brain injury.
It sounds like the multiple health conditions that you live with have forced you to rely on social assistance, making the cost of living especially challenging. I understand your anger.
It sounds like your dogs are a great comfort to you. Are they trained support dogs?