Forteo weight gain & no bone improvement

Posted by slowsly @slowsly, Jun 20 12:02am

I’ve been on Forteo for 6 months. I have gained about 13 lbs and my lastest DEXA shows my bones have gotten worse. Has anyone had a similar experience?

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I feel like a broken record but will repost. Every OP medication's guide I have looked at contains this statement.

"Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088." Don't complain if you do not report the weight gain.


I was only able to be on Forteo for 6 months as well. Had a coupon till then. Now I can't afford it and insurance doesn't cover specialty drugs!
I also have gained weight around my mid section and hips! Haven't had another bone scan since stopping Forteo. I have severe osteoporosis and arthritis. My bone pain is very unpleasant! I wish these meds were more affordable! My husband makes just over the income limit to receive any kind of help.
Good luck to you and your journey!


I’m on Tymlos since June 2023 and gained about 20# plus belly fat in the first 6 months of treatment. Not a reported side effect during the trials but now being reported. You are not alone. Have to weigh some extra weight vs fractures.


I’m on Tymlos since June 2023 and gained about 20# plus belly fat in the first 6 months of treatment. Not a reported side effect during the trials but now being reported. You are not alone. Have to weigh some extra weight vs fractures.

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@ymv, can I ask if your food intake increased while on tymlos. Is it something we can try to control? I'm trying, at the moment, to get approval for it. Ty


@ymv, can I ask if your food intake increased while on tymlos. Is it something we can try to control? I'm trying, at the moment, to get approval for it. Ty

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Yes it increased and I had sugar cravings. But, for me, Tymlos was the only option as I had 2 spontaneous fractures while on Prolia


Yes it increased and I had sugar cravings. But, for me, Tymlos was the only option as I had 2 spontaneous fractures while on Prolia

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Thank you for the heads up. Hoping I can battle this side effect similar to when I quit smoking. Take care.

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