Working through rehab while receiving IMRT

Posted by cs2024 @cs2024, 4 days ago

This is a little different but wandering if anyone has gone through this situation before. I had rotator cuff surgery 2 weeks ago and will be starting rehab 2 days a week for the foreseeable future. I am scheduled to start my simulation for my 28 sessions of IMRT on July 29th. I am interested in completing my radiation therapy while still doing rehab. Both my surgeon and my radiation oncologist believe it’s doable. If you have done this or something similar I would appreciate hearing your comments.

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Yes, very similar (SBRT rather than IMRT). My PC metastasised to my spine before it was detected, and compressed the spinal cord until I was paraplegic. For the first round of radiation, to the spine post-surgery, I was completely paraplegic (they had to lift me on and off the table). For the second round, I was in a wheel chair, and could do my own transfer to the table with a bit of help.

100% doable, but physical rehab it does amplify the challenges a bit. I was doing physio all the way through both (and can walk again now). Unlike chemo, radiation doesn't generally tire you out, so that's a help.


My radiation was salvage radiation so likely the dose was a little lower, I worked out in the gym everyday after treatment. I'd say PT for a shoulder is very doable at that time.


I appreciate you letting me know your experience. I always thought it would add stress to my body and I might have some scheduling issues but I would really like to move forward in regards to both treatments. I am really glad you are doing better and back to being able to walk again. Hang in there and keep fighting.

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