Torn hip tendons

Posted by rmkolassa2023 @rmkolassa2023, 4 days ago

I have had surgery twice to repair the tendons that were torn twice. Both the surgeries failed and now I walk all the time with a permanent limp. I have to use a walker and a cane. Has anyone else experience the same thing and are there any other alternatives to help me out?

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What caused your hip tendon tears and which tendons were torn multiple times? Were these complete tears or partial? Did you try physical therapy before surgery and did it not help any? Are you doing PT now?

I have bilateral gluteal tendinopathy and high grade partial hamstring tears. I’m not sure when and how this happened. I was told PT would help them heal. I start PT in a couple weeks and don’t know yet if it will help strengthen my muscles to be able to walk, stand and climb stairs more easily.


What caused your hip tendon tears and which tendons were torn multiple times? Were these complete tears or partial? Did you try physical therapy before surgery and did it not help any? Are you doing PT now?

I have bilateral gluteal tendinopathy and high grade partial hamstring tears. I’m not sure when and how this happened. I was told PT would help them heal. I start PT in a couple weeks and don’t know yet if it will help strengthen my muscles to be able to walk, stand and climb stairs more easily.

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I had a sharp spur on my hip that caused my tendons to tear. It was a complete tear. I had PT before and after.


I had a sharp spur on my hip that caused my tendons to tear. It was a complete tear. I had PT before and after.

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That sounds painful! I am surprised that they did not remove the bone spur the first surgery. Was the same tendon torn the second time? Is it your gluteal tendons that were torn by your bone spur or was it a hip flexor/hamstring? Did the surgeon tell you what to expect from both surgeries and why they “failed?” Do you have nerve damage from the surgery? Did the surgeon say if they could repair the problem or have you considered getting a second or third opinion?


That sounds painful! I am surprised that they did not remove the bone spur the first surgery. Was the same tendon torn the second time? Is it your gluteal tendons that were torn by your bone spur or was it a hip flexor/hamstring? Did the surgeon tell you what to expect from both surgeries and why they “failed?” Do you have nerve damage from the surgery? Did the surgeon say if they could repair the problem or have you considered getting a second or third opinion?

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They did remove the spur during the first surgery. He wasn’t sure why the first one failed. However, the second surgery. He was quite skeptical if it would work. By that time, the tendons were pretty shredded. I was told that I could try to have artificial tendons put in but at my age, 74 I decided no more surgeries for me and I’ll just walk with a cane and or walker


They did remove the spur during the first surgery. He wasn’t sure why the first one failed. However, the second surgery. He was quite skeptical if it would work. By that time, the tendons were pretty shredded. I was told that I could try to have artificial tendons put in but at my age, 74 I decided no more surgeries for me and I’ll just walk with a cane and or walker

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I’m sorry to hear. It is too bad the surgeon wasn’t prepared to use artificial tendons with the second surgery to ensure they were reinforced/strong/stable. My hope is you reconsider surgery in the future and it may be good to get 2nd and 3rd opinions of what could be done to help you regain more strength/mobility. Be careful not to fall due to weakened tendons and muscle control.


They did remove the spur during the first surgery. He wasn’t sure why the first one failed. However, the second surgery. He was quite skeptical if it would work. By that time, the tendons were pretty shredded. I was told that I could try to have artificial tendons put in but at my age, 74 I decided no more surgeries for me and I’ll just walk with a cane and or walker

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I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I may need my right knee replaced and am conflicted. I’m 72. Good luck to you.


I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I may need my right knee replaced and am conflicted. I’m 72. Good luck to you.

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Same to you. Good luck.❣️

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