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Sleep apnea and GCA

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (7)

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I don't think sleep apnea is a GCA problem or a PMR problem.

That being said, I developed sleep apnea after being diagnosed with PMR, I had frequent urination at night which was a clue for my primary care doctor to get a sleep study done.
When I did the sleep study, I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. The cause was said to be excess weight in the area of my face and neck area likely caused by prednisone

I have been off Prednisone for 3 years. People say my face looks like I have lost weight. I still need to lose more weight. My sleep apnea like so many other problems I had when I was on Prednisone has improved.
I hated my CPAP machine at first but after I started using it all the time, I didn't need to get up every hour at night to pee.

This illustrates how one problem leads to another and another and another.. Interestingly, many of my problems are improving now that I'm not longer taking Prednisone.

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Replies to "I don't think sleep apnea is a GCA problem or a PMR problem. That being said,..."


Thank you for your response!! I appreciate you sharing that info about the prednisone causing a fatter face because that has definitely happened to my husband. The prednisone does cause one thing after another after another. I'm so glad you're off of it!! My husband is down from 80 mg to 20 mg and still tapering so I'm hopeful. He's on Actemra to help the taper go more quickly. Fingers crossed!

Thanks also for sharing how you got used to sleeping with the CPAP machine. That is the one thing he's most afraid of thinking it will make him sleep less. I told him it might just have the total opposite affect. I'll share your story with him. It's always good coming from someone else with experience.