Trimix injection good or bad idea?

Posted by jasonfarmer @jasonfarmer, Sep 17, 2023

59 years old. prostatectomy just over 3 months ago. Take daily 5mg tadalafil or 100mg sildenafil before intercourse . Successful only 2 times without vac pump. I am considering Trimix injections just not sure when or if I should. I would appreciate some insight from men who have used and when they started. No other treatments for cancer needed. Presently cancer free. 0 psa 2 blood test so far. I am thankful for what I have just want the best I can achieve. Thank you for any shared experiences good or bad.

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As @jasonfarmer says stimulation is not necessary but after an injectin I walk and stroke myself. I believe it strengthens the erection and makes it work quicker. I'm not sure it really is more effective but a doctor told me to do it so I do. The biggest downfall for me with Tri-mix is the cost. It cost me $40 per erection. I have gotten it at less expensive places however it doesn't seem to work as well. I also get erections on my own however they don't last long, especially if I move.


Kmjstrong123 yes erection happen without stimulation with Trimix. In 5 minutes now for me vs 10 minutes when I started. And yes stimulation can make 85% go to 100% with injection. I still use injections because a good 90 minute erection (injection) vs it is hard enough now but what about in 5 minutes (pills only) also not as strong. As my erections get better I suspect I will use injection less but still find injections to be most satisfying at this point of recovery from surgery. Wish you best hope this helps answer some of your questions.

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Thanks very much for the feedback. We'll see how things go with me, obviously hoping for the best, but also just trying to be ready. Nice to hear the varying and honest opinions about the Trimix route. Seems it's all about dealing well with getting the dosage and injection process right. I will definitely need to do much better than $40 an injection, looks like there are places to get it at much more reasonable prices and I'll cross that bridge. And @jasonfarmer very happy to see your recovery is progressing well, keep it up (no pun intended)! All the very best!


Check out Trimix Gel . You need very little , but it is expensive . Some guys love it ! No needle.


Hi there,
I had my RALP performed in October of 2023. I am turning 70 this August. All things considered it was successful.
Prior to surgery, I was able to have erections strong enough for intercourse. If I wanted a rock hard erection I’d take CIALIS. About 6 months after surgery I could get an erection that was about 80% effective. Almost hard enough for intercourse, (and sometimes could) but not reliable. CIALIS and other things not effective.
I went to TRIMIX and get instant erections and enjoy intercourse whenever I want.
True, it’s about $30 per injection for me. However, well worth it!!!!! The needle is slightly uncomfortable but well worth the results. I highly recommend that you try it. There are varying strengths available which also affects the cost.
I am very happy and able to enjoy intercourse with my wife whenever we want. It’s not exactly spontaneous but only takes about 5 minutes and I am ready to go without experiencing any anxiety if I will get and stay hard enough.
Best wishes,


Hi there,
I had my RALP performed in October of 2023. I am turning 70 this August. All things considered it was successful.
Prior to surgery, I was able to have erections strong enough for intercourse. If I wanted a rock hard erection I’d take CIALIS. About 6 months after surgery I could get an erection that was about 80% effective. Almost hard enough for intercourse, (and sometimes could) but not reliable. CIALIS and other things not effective.
I went to TRIMIX and get instant erections and enjoy intercourse whenever I want.
True, it’s about $30 per injection for me. However, well worth it!!!!! The needle is slightly uncomfortable but well worth the results. I highly recommend that you try it. There are varying strengths available which also affects the cost.
I am very happy and able to enjoy intercourse with my wife whenever we want. It’s not exactly spontaneous but only takes about 5 minutes and I am ready to go without experiencing any anxiety if I will get and stay hard enough.
Best wishes,

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I agree cost and dosage vary. Just for helpful info mine injection are @ 10 dollars each.


I had robotic radical surgery 5 years ago and pills did not work. Trimix does work, the downside is that spontaneous activity is no longer an option. It takes some time to get used to the needle, a little pain but most of the time it does work but you have to work up to the dosage that works. It is not cheap, but it does work. Erection can last as long as 2 hours and one is always nervous that it will not last longer than 2 hours.
There are a couple of upsides. The orgasms are much more intense and for me it sets off all the nerves in the body, and it is easy to do repeat performance(s) in the 2 hours
it is not as great as before but it is better than nothing


one more comment that i wish to make. It was not for quite a while after my surgery that I learned that a regular use of the pump would keep ones muscles in shape and I wished I had been informed of this much earlier The old saying that you need to use it to not loose it is very true. I was lucky to be able to get most of the action back

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