Severe foot pain after 4 months of walking.

Posted by shabangy @shabangy, May 28, 2023

I have been walking 2-4 miles a day since March 10th. It is now May 28th and I have severe foot pain. Have tried everything to alleviate it

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One thing you need to consider is that if you were largely inactive before your walking program began, your body may be reacting to sudden overuse. It can take a long time to acclimate to a new program, and 2 or more miles, seven days a week can be too much at once.

Also, a new walking program calls for new, properly fitted walking shoes meant for the surface you are walking on, and your feet need to get used to these gradually. When we were young, it took me a few years to teach my husband that the K-Mart "Blue Light Specials" were not adequate when he was on his feet in a lab or factory all day. My Dad was a mailman, and he absolutely insisted on good shoes for all six of us kids and my Mom - it might have been the biggest expense after groceries when we were growing!

Can you tell us a little more about your walking program and what inspired you to get started?

The suggestions to see a podiatrist is a good one. Be sure to take the shoes and socks you wear while walking.

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Thank you. I think you hit the nail right on the head. I did have a very inactive lifestyle and feel in like I may have overdone it. They are starting to get a little better now. Thank you for your response.


Have you been to a specialty running store and asked them to recommend shoes for walking? The right shoe makes a big difference in walking/runnning. Also check with a podiatrist.


One thing you need to consider is that if you were largely inactive before your walking program began, your body may be reacting to sudden overuse. It can take a long time to acclimate to a new program, and 2 or more miles, seven days a week can be too much at once.

Also, a new walking program calls for new, properly fitted walking shoes meant for the surface you are walking on, and your feet need to get used to these gradually. When we were young, it took me a few years to teach my husband that the K-Mart "Blue Light Specials" were not adequate when he was on his feet in a lab or factory all day. My Dad was a mailman, and he absolutely insisted on good shoes for all six of us kids and my Mom - it might have been the biggest expense after groceries when we were growing!

Can you tell us a little more about your walking program and what inspired you to get started?

The suggestions to see a podiatrist is a good one. Be sure to take the shoes and socks you wear while walking.

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Also note that shoes, particularly athletic/walking shoes, wear out.


I have found by giving you body a rest one or two days helps to eliminate the pain
My body which is a old one , takes two days too recover following a exercise session either walking , yoga or weightlifting

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Absolutely - I found that I needed a day of rest between long (2.5 mile) walks - not so much for my feet (although they hurt), but for arthritic hips.


I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but, here goes:
Can problems with your feet (bones, tendons, ligaments) cause pain to be sent up your leg(s) and cause pain in feet, ankles, back of calves, thighs, and buttocks? Pain is more apparent on right side where the more significant foot pain is found, mostly originating deep in the sole of my right foot. Probably a long shot, but I am looking for ansers. Thank you all in advance.


I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question, but, here goes:
Can problems with your feet (bones, tendons, ligaments) cause pain to be sent up your leg(s) and cause pain in feet, ankles, back of calves, thighs, and buttocks? Pain is more apparent on right side where the more significant foot pain is found, mostly originating deep in the sole of my right foot. Probably a long shot, but I am looking for ansers. Thank you all in advance.

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I had similar issues with my right foot, I went to a foot/ankle orthopedic doctor. I had plantar fasciitis, I was told to use cold compresses, to stay off my feet and given exercises. Unfortunately, my condition got worse and I am currently dealing with Freiberg necrosis. Good luck, but please seek a good foot doctor.


I had similar issues with my right foot, I went to a foot/ankle orthopedic doctor. I had plantar fasciitis, I was told to use cold compresses, to stay off my feet and given exercises. Unfortunately, my condition got worse and I am currently dealing with Freiberg necrosis. Good luck, but please seek a good foot doctor.

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Sorry to hear of your plight. Hope you can find some relief. No one, including foot doc, seems to know what's plaguing me. I have so many issues, I can barely keep track of them. The foor thing may not even be foot related. Had x-rays done a year and a half ago. Nothing abnormal. I visited a place back in PA called The Good Feet Store. They were supposed to be able to taylor-fit special shoes to your feet in order to help relieve neuropathy, and other issues. TV ads looked good. At my consultation (just relatively young sales reps, no actual foot specialist). They had me try on a number of different shoes with various inserts. After walking for a while, I awarded the gold star to one particular setup. Not really amazing like in the ads, but OK. Then the rep went into the back room and came out with a "specialized" orthotic that would be placed into their shoe. Then the kicker: all this could be mine for only the low, low price of around $3200 (as well as I can remember. It was breath-taking). Well, needless to say, I left mucho pronto. Another scam.


Your story sounds very familiar. I live in Florida, fortunately I have found a podiatrist who has knowledge and surgical experience in my condition. They also offer orthotics if it becomes necessary. After I get out of my boot (6weeks) I will be going to physical therapy, massage therapy etc. I also have neuropathy which complicates my condition. Again living in Florida I find water exercises to be so helpful, it keeps me moving.


The foot is an extremely complex structure. Reasonably easy to grab an injury there. You are definitely not alone.

Obviously, it has to be assessed. For minor fractures, other issues.

When this is eventually diagnosed and really might have to look into orthotics or other specialized foot wear to help protect your feet. And, you know, you also might want to only jog on a professional (rubberized) track.

And then, folks with foot problems sometimes shift from jogging to a stationary bike...remove the force of compression on the feet.

best of luck.

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