Do you have a coping mechanism to get through an MRI?

Posted by Rubyslippers @triciaot, Dec 20, 2023

Would you share how you cope during an MRI? There are some people who get concerned about the claustrophobia and loud noises. It might be helpful for them to hear your ideas.
While I was waiting for a breast MRI I started talking with another woman who had to come back for an MRI re-do. She had not been able to make it through her first MRI and was really concerned she couldn’t do it the second time. My heart really went out to her. I wish that I could have sat through the MRI with her to help calm her.
I told her for my first MRI I counted backwards from 100. I think I got down to the 30s. I also sang to myself 99 bottles of beer on the wall 🙂

I had a brain MRI this summer. I counted the songs they played through the speaker. I figured most songs are about 2-3 minutes so to get through a 20 min scan, it would take about 7 songs. I knew I could lay there for 7 songs, and I did.
What has worked for you?

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I am extremely claustrophobic and scans are really a challenge but my doctor prescribes Ativan to take an hour before and I can relax enough to stay still
For ct scans, MRI and hour and a half long PET scans. I could not manage without it. I Need a drive home after just to be safe although I always feel fine and the meds have worn off.

Perhaps the use of Ativan is already mentioned somewhere in this long trail and I missed it. If so, I apologize for the repeat. I have to do a lot of scans and low dose of Ativan is really a lifesaver to ensure I can remain completely still and they get the most accurate pictures. Good luck to you.


I’m sorry that they haven’t found another method of doing mri’s, however I did some research and I was given some places where I live that have a newer model and the difference is amazing. As a life long sufferer of claustrophobia I went through hell trying to get into a mri and many times I failed miserably, even the technician was irritated with me and that definitely does not help. As a cancer survivor I know that mri’s are commonly used so it just adds to the stress of what you’re going through and compassion isn’t high on the list for those people who suffer from this anxiety. I now will request a location that has the newest model and honestly it was such a big difference, they are open at each end and very wide open with lights inside and even some air blowing through, I hope that you are able to get help with this because the last thing you need is more stress to deal with.

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Take 5 mg of Ativan 30 minutes before MRI. You will do fine!!!


I would love some tips and tricks. I was just diagnosed today and know an MRI is in my future. I’ve had two in my lifetime - one mobile that I couldn’t complete and then an open MRI. I understand an open MRI might not be a possibility and I’m freaking out a little.

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Ask the dr to give you Xanax! I’m very Claustrophobic. Really helps 🤗


I took a Xanax and had them play music on a rock station a little louder than usual.. also they let me lay on my stomach.. prayers for you !!


I keep my eyes closed the entire time; and before the procedure, I ask the technician to occasionally talk to me.


I took a Xanax and had them play music on a rock station a little louder than usual.. also they let me lay on my stomach.. prayers for you !!

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Interesting that you lay on your stomach. I think that would help many people. I wonder though if it's always possible.


I close my eyes and sometimes fall asleep.


I meditate and go to sleep.Also I wear my own silicone earplugs.They block sound out better.


My MRI was for my head. Before starting the MRI, I asked the tech to put me in the tube and then take me right out. This was so that I "could see what I was signing up for." On doing so, I could see that I would still be able to see out of the tube. This helped a little. They also gave me a buzzer to stop the MRI if need be. While in the tube, I remembered that a person with normal brething takes breathes close to 20 a minute. So I counted my breaths. This gave me a focus and also let me know the progress I was making in completing the MRi.

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I got through a 2 hour MRI in 1 day by taking 2mg of Lorazepam. It’s the only way I can handle an MRI.

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