Amitriptyline: Anyone use it for chemo-induced neuropathy?

Posted by kennycockerel @kennycockerel, Jun 22 2:10pm

Hi, my name is Kenneth Morris. 2020 l was diagnosed with bowel cancer in Feb 2021 l had major surgery to remove tumour followed by chemotherapy (oxaliplatin) for 6 months followed by precautionary radiotherapy 25 visits.all clear feb 2022. Due to the oxaliplatin I now have severe sensory axonal polyneuropathy. I had 6 months of pregabalin up to maximum dosage no difference in pins and needles in feet legs also hands also losing balance,falls side effects awful.
I then had 12 months on duloxetine up to the maximum dosage side effects not as bad,but no difference in neuropathy I'm now weaning slowly off duloxetine.
My neurologist said amitriptyline is next at night 20mg increasing over time l might leave it for awhile see what happens l realise it's something l will have to live with these are only painkillers anybody got any view's on amitriptyline?
Finally l can highly recommend the new skechers slip-ins ultra flex smooth step best I've bought for neuropathy.

KENNY THE COCKERELL OVER 60 Years a tottenham Hotspur fan.🐓

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@kennycockerel, hi, I can help you with what I know about Amitriptyline because I use this drug. I know that it’s an older antidepressant and in lower doses it’s a pain reliever. I first used it for colon pain which drove me crazy, tried several meds to no avail but Amitriptyline did the job, just 10 mg. daily. I’m now using it for anxiety and depression but it’s not the best med for depression, I simply stay on it because it didn’t make me feel bad. I tried many more modern antidepressants but even though they had better reviews I couldn’t tolerate them, I hope they help you out and best wishes for a successful outcome.


Hi, Thank you so much for reply most helpful.
I will take your advice as my GP wanted to start me on 20mg l will tell him 10mg see how it goes.
Probably start in a months time
Appreciate your help hope all goes well for you in the future.
Regards kenneth morris also known as kennythecockeral 🐓


I was prescribed Amitriptyline for neuropathy in my feet following FOLFOX chemo. It’s widely prescribed as a sleep aid. I don’t really take it very often, because it makes me drowsy and lethargic the next day. But it’s nice to have just in case.
I never took it regularly so I can’t speak to to its effectiveness for neuropathy.


I wear Crocs always.I walk 10 miles a week in Crocs.I have MS and I still have gone through chemotherapy. I would not wear anything else for my neuropathy.


I was prescribed Amitriptyline for neuropathy in my feet following FOLFOX chemo. It’s widely prescribed as a sleep aid. I don’t really take it very often, because it makes me drowsy and lethargic the next day. But it’s nice to have just in case.
I never took it regularly so I can’t speak to to its effectiveness for neuropathy.

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Thanks your right l was told to take late at night.


I wear Crocs always.I walk 10 miles a week in Crocs.I have MS and I still have gone through chemotherapy. I would not wear anything else for my neuropathy.

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Thanks for reply.
Keep safe 😷


Thanks your right l was told to take late at night.

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I was told this by several doctors….take just before bed. That did not work for me. I actually asked on the Reddit community what would help, and those users said that amytriptaline needs to be taken several hours before bed.

I tried that, with great success. I am more rested in the morning than I have been for decades. I credit amytriptaline and Reddit for my new lease on life.


I was told this by several doctors….take just before bed. That did not work for me. I actually asked on the Reddit community what would help, and those users said that amytriptaline needs to be taken several hours before bed.

I tried that, with great success. I am more rested in the morning than I have been for decades. I credit amytriptaline and Reddit for my new lease on life.

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I agree! If it’s taken too late you’ll never really wake up the next morning. Or be very groggy!


Thanks your right l was told to take late at night.

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I agree! If it’s taken too late you’ll never really wake up the next morning. Or be very groggy!

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Good point I'm up at 5-30 am my border terrior ted age 12 needs to go outside so l will take 5 hours before retiring.

Keep safe 😷

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