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Hi, HomeAgain. What have you done about your diet? If we can forget calorie-counting, which IS important (no matter who it is who argues otherwise...you can only use so many at a time, and if you eat more than that, where does it go? Magically back to the Great Void?), some foods do us little good. The noun foods should often be used cynically or with air quotes. Many foods, and the more processed they are the worse they are for us, will cause gut inflammation and systemic inflammation. Or, if they amount to more than about 200 gm of carbohydrates each day, they encourage the production of insulin, which is a storage hormone. Too many carbs in a day, or too much fat, and they get 'deposited' for a rainy day. In your adipocytes. Around your stomach, the backs of your arms, in and around your liver, lungs, and heart, ...not good.

Generally, weight-gain problems are endocrine-related. Or genetic...or both. Maybe you should consult an endocrinologist and see if you don't have a deficit that can be corrected, or an overage. Thyroid problems, for example. If you already know the answers to these, please disregard my post.

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Replies to "Hi, HomeAgain. What have you done about your diet? If we can forget calorie-counting, which IS..."

There's a book by Dr. Natasha Campbell called put your heart where your mouth is. Covers a lot of topics and is based on a diet that is good for you. Statin drugs are toxic and can cause numerous problems including dementia. Most doctors may disagree but they are making billions of dollars off these drugs. The best advice I can give is do your homework. Wish you the very best.