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Horrendous! Just today I spoke to my surgery pharmacist, who has now put me on an additional medication for high blood pressure. I’ve also been having a pounding heartbeat. The trouble is that neither he, nor my doctor has any experience with any of this, just withdrawal from other drugs. Thank you for your message.

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Replies to "Horrendous! Just today I spoke to my surgery pharmacist, who has now put me on an..."

Thank you so much Delia! I’ve just bought the book: ‘Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines for Antidepressants etc’. Hopefully that will help.

I hope that what I shared is of some benefit. Are in the UK by chance? I'm a bit confused with how you apply the word "pharmacist" because here in the USA, pharmacists do hold medical accreditation and licensing but definitely do not prescribe any type of medication. They do advise about contraindications, incompatibility of drugs that may have been prescribed by different doctors, and definitely can be consulted about any new medication (for example: best with food or empty stomach, daytime as opposed to bedtime, what not to eat/drink). I would suggest getting the pounding heart beat checked out.

I wish that I had ideas on what avenues to pursue for locating neurologists that would have the type of experience that you require. Perhaps (if you belong to a medical practice) you can inquire there? Or do you have what we have here: organizations of specific fields of medicine --- for example, a professional directory/organization of neurologists and related fields? If so, then I would contact the organization and checkout the website, locate a CONTACT US heading and do just that: contact them (probably by email or an online form), stating that you are in search of neurologists experienced with assisting patients taper off antidepressants. You may just get a response with name/contact info for at least one such doctor. Hopefully there are several so that you might locate one within decent travel distance. This is what I do as I research, evaluate, carefully research doctors, hospitals, facilities, laboratories that I need for my unfortunately complicated medical care. Time consuming? Yes. Worthwhile? Absolutely! That is how I succeeded in locating an ocular immunologist, a highly specialized field of ophthalmological care of immune related disorders of the eyes. I did not like the indifferent attitude of the one that my ophthalmologist recommended within our county (and definitely did not want to travel 180 minutes roundtrip to a center in another state), so I searched for and found the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation. I was ecstatic! I had intensely painful bilateral uveitis (which induced glaucoma again!) and only an OI could help since my ophthalmologist admitted that he had done all that he could and an OI needed to take over. Well, I searched through the OIUFoundation website, located a Directory of ocular immunologists arranged by states, and located 4 that were within decent driving range from our town. I then checked out their credentials, education, reviews, etc. for each and chose one within a 25 min drive from our home. I was thrilled with my choice, as she was not only compassionate and thorough and treated my uveitis, but also created a tapering schedule to discontinue the prednisilone drops when the immune related eye condition cleared up. She also allayed my many fears about losing vision. I've done the same process for specialists in other fields as needed for my compounded medical issues. It helps that I did have experiences in early adulthood in neurology, immunology and medical terminology, and what I don't comprehend is looked up via wonderful Google.😊

Please google "professional associations/organizations for neurologists" and see where that may lead you. It does not hurt to try, and you stand to gain a lot to your benefit.

I wish you well, and much luck with obtaining what you need to help you in your journey.🌺