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Yes. Getting very winded and some chest pains recently. Immediate family history of heart issues (parents, siblings)

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Wow/ active board. Thanks for your interest. How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger and his free online videos appear to be the perfect way to diet. He donates the proceeds of his book. Seems to do this genuinely. However, I only recently found this and the main change I have made is to reduce eating chicken breasts. Apparently, all animals, including fish, are bad oxidizers. He does have a video showing that a reduced amount of animal food still substantially increases lifespan. The best way is plant based diet...the more the better. My current favorites are brown rice, microwaved with bananas and add cinnamon and real oatmeal cooked 5 min with bananas and blueberries. Dr. Greger in his book How Not to Diet mentioned that only 1/8th cup of blackberries as an antioxidant can offset somewhat of meat consumption so I eat fresh or frozen blackberries after those meals. I also regularly eat mangos, pears, strawberries, thawed out brand name expensive $13 frozen blueberries (big bag from Walmart), beans, mostly navy, with crushed walnuts, and sometimes covered with salsa, cashews, pistachios, 72% dark chocolate (mixing the pistachios with the dark chocolate makes a great snack, go wild and get the honey roasted pistachios, kiwis, oranges (sometimes blended in a bullet with a shot of vodka for a nightcap); sometimes low carb wraps; for lunch daily fish cooked in olive oil on stove with butterlettuce, tomato, and cucumber salad with olive oil and Pompean redwine vinegar dressing; but being bad and eating out at night with seafood and vegetables, but filet mignon once a week.
However, we do not yet know if I have been doing this long enough, though not much beef or processed food for years. I still have the stress test to do and the results of a pulmonary function test.
I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2012 with chemo and mediastinal radiation which has likely caused these high numbers in my left anterior descending artery and right coronary artery and extensive calcified plaque in the thoracoabdominal aorta. The radiation treatments put me at a disadvantage now, but cured the cancer.
It seems that it is the softer calcium that more often breaks loose. So I am hoping mine is spread all over and solid because of the statins (now 40 mg simvastatin) and without any narrowing enough to cause a procedure. The radiation also caused lung damage and the thoracic stenosis and maybe other fibrosis in the arteries that prevents bypass and other things which I do not really comprehend.
I have zero symptoms, biking hard out still, and hoping that the stress test does not require more choices.
As of now, I choose to be happy and live each day to the fullest because this stuff motivates me that direction.
Thank you for listening as it is good to talk to others with similar issues. Hope this is helpful even though I am just a patient. I did want all of you to know that you can still be living and active with high numbers. Hope to keep active here for years. We'll find out.