← Return to Extremely high calcium score at 42 - is there any positive here??

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First time reader and responder. Me. I am 76. Feel perfectly healthy. Bike 10 miles hard out several times a week, work out hard, walk miles a day.... no problems. Got my score Friday...3609. I am still here. No symptoms. For a few days, I thought I am going to die any minute...just like you guys. I read up a lot. The total score is not scientifically going to tell you your likelihood of a real problem. I have been taking statins for 30 plus years with no side effects. Doubled the dose a few years ago. If yours causes problems, try any of several others. Now I am on the other...zetia maybe... in addition. Then, I decided that I will wake up every day and be happy and live that day to the fullest...rather than pout and worry. Do that. What do you think my score was when I was 42? For the last 6 years, I have be great at exercising and not eating beef or refined foods. For the last two, I am into fruits, vegetables, oats, brown rice, etc. Read the book about how not to die by Edgars. It will make frys look like poison. I truly enjoy my diet with much less meat, zero added sugar...no refined foods. I am not talking about fake refined veggie burgers...just great whole food. Anyway, bottom line, and why I am writing this is that....your score can go up to over 3600 and you can live at least up to my age of 76. Decide to be happy. Every day.

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Replies to "First time reader and responder. Me. I am 76. Feel perfectly healthy. Bike 10 miles hard..."

Morning, your post intrigued me. I’m 67, had zero (known) heart issues, great resting heart rate, EKGs all came back great, low cholesterol, BP in check.
Heart scan revealed an Agatston score of 2397. Cardiologist recommended an angiogram where they found 90%+ blockage in 4.
Had quadruple bypass. This all in about 3 weeks!!!
I am recovering nicely but…I’ve been a pescatarian for over 10 years. No beef, fowl, pork, etc. Only fish, veggies, fruits, plant based protein (PBP). However, much PBP has really changed for the worse. Overly processed, high sodium, ridiculous amounts of fat.
Can you share your diet with me? I have to cut out these Impossible Burgers, etc.
I would be very grateful.

Clearly, the statins are working since you have high CAC score.

Have you had:
1 Stress test with echo?
2 Nuclear stress test?
3 Advanced lipids panel?