Is gallbladder removal scheduled for next week premature?

Posted by wisewoman10 @wisewoman10, Jun 13, 2024

I have had severe upper right quadrant abdominal pain for several weeks that finally subsided in the past few days. In the meantime, I had an abdominal ultrasound that revealed a "mobile gallstone" and gallstone sludge. I was astounded because I eat a really healthy diet, exercise regularly and am not overweight. Also no family history of gallbladder disease. However, 4 years ago, my appendix ruptured after one day of pain and no history of appendicitis. I never want that kind of emergency again, as the peritonitis that ensued was horrendous and it took six months to get my digestion and regularity back online. Both my PCP and general surgeon have recommended elective cholecystectomy, which I have scheduled for next week, but I'm having second thoughts after only one (albeit prolonged) gallbladder attack. I'm afraid of the cure being worse than the disease. Has anyone had their gallbladder removed after only a short period of gallbladder pain? Thanks for any input!

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I had a cholecystectomy 12 days ago. It was after I had two months of pain including two visits to the ED. When I woke from surgery I was in a great deal of pain. It felt like someone broke my ribs, The pain is subsiding but was more than I expected. The surgeon found sludge and chronic inflammation so it was a good thing I had my gallbladder removed.


I had a cholecystectomy 12 days ago. It was after I had two months of pain including two visits to the ED. When I woke from surgery I was in a great deal of pain. It felt like someone broke my ribs, The pain is subsiding but was more than I expected. The surgeon found sludge and chronic inflammation so it was a good thing I had my gallbladder removed.

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Was the inflammation on pancreas? Or gallbladder? I asked my Dr if I take my gallbladder out if it would fix pancreas she said no, I'm just wondering if that was your case thanks


My inflammation was in my gallbladder.


Was the inflammation on pancreas? Or gallbladder? I asked my Dr if I take my gallbladder out if it would fix pancreas she said no, I'm just wondering if that was your case thanks

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My inflammation was in the gallbladder.


In one of my routine annual physicals 20 years ago, my physician noted that some of my liver profiles were off. I had no other symptoms and I felt fine. My blood work continued to indicate that something was wrong and 9 months later, and My GI ordered a liver biopsy which was normal. A few months later I started having a tingling sensation in that same area so he ordered a scan with dye contrast and discovered that my gallbladder was not functioning, so surgery to remove it was scheduled. It was done a few weeks later, as outpatient arthroscopic surgery and I went home a couple of hours afterwards. I experienced very little pain and the recovery was easy. I hope that will be true for you.


I would def get 2 nd opinion on that before taking gallbladder out .
Esp if it was just one episode.

Sometimes it causes more issues for people once it’s taken out .
I have 7 horrible digestive disorders for 10 long hard years daily .
I still have my gallbladder. I’ve had c scans and doesn’t seem like I have a problem w/ it .
Keep us posted ok ✅.


I had mine out five weeks ago. So far so good but I have to be careful with my diet. I have been good before the laproscopic surgery but now I have to be better. No fried foods, easy on dairy. My only issue is diarrhea. I have it almost daily, sometimes 4-6 times.

It sucks.

No pain though.


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